Quad Cities Tree Care Coalition
To work with local municipalities to find a way to regulate the tree care trade in a manner that will benefit the public while avoiding undue burden to legitimate practicing arborists.
First you need to make it so that the organization looks legit, vs an ol'boys club.
Survey other cities of similar demographics to see what they have as far as ordinances specifically regrading tree work.
It could be as easy as "all tree work shall be directed (supervised?) by an ISA Certified Arborist in accordance with ANSI A-300 and ASNI Z-133 standards. Would your association want to go this far?
Who is enforcing, is it a Neigborhod Services arm of the muni gov, a Tree Warden...?
How economically exclusive does the organization want to make it, which is the idea, you make it to expensive for the bottom feeders to come in. Is something like "Any company working crew not directly supervised by an Certified Arborist shall have TCIA Safety Certification".
By making the companies credential outside of the government, you take the responsibility of developing a testing/certification program off of the people. Tax payers should pay as little as possible, keeping the license fee down, but imposing other criteria on the company to maintain certification.
How do they control plumbers, are they all union trained?
This will eliminate all the people who like to Top, drop 80' Oaks into a four lane, main road with out contacting the city, stopping traffic for 5 hours. Blasting a chunk of Maple that probably weighed over 1000lbs on another street, that had just been fixed, stimulus money! Destroying a whole city street cake!
This should be easilly controlled standard ordinaces "private contractors shall not close off or restrict the public right of way without obtaining a permit from the city. While working in or over public right of way the contractor shall follow all ANSI, OSHA, NHTSA (whatever) standards for traffic control. Failure to follow....
Any damage to property caused by unpermitted work will be assessed triple damages, any bodily injury or loss of life will be prosecuted as a felony manslaughter/attempted manslaughter"
There are munies in the KC area that require license to work and permits to remove. My adoptive hometown words it as a percentage of canopy, greater then 10% cumulative removal requires a permit and an agreement , binding in-perpetuity on the land title, putting a portion of the land in a eco-trust.