The one way to tell for sure, if there is a hippie chained to the tree, then there will be metal spikes in the wood.
Thats not very nice Sprig. Are not the gulf islands full of them people? I hear they are hands down the worst places in B.C. to do Hydro tree work. I have been told of little long haired kids throwing rocks at boom trucks as thier parents looked on, guys having to get locks put on all fuel tanks and so on. But pretty funny anyways, remember all that tv, where they are cutting the freaks off logging equipment and trees and they just scream and scream?
Black/blue/grey streaking/stain = iron or steel
Greenish streaking or stain = copper, brass, bronze
Rocks & gravel = SURPRIZE!
Red = ya forgot ta unchain da hugger before cutting, doh!
Bass, just call them up and ask if they even do drop of for homeowners. Some may not. Most of the ones I talked to didn't, but one did, and that was enough. Around here, the Ash borer is taking it's toll, so that is what is cut mostly. And don't be afraid to call services kind far away, they are the ones that would really benefit from unloading their wood at your place. If you find one, and you tell him t drop off what he has when he's in the area, be prepared to be busy. I had a load dropped off on Wednesday, got halfway thru it by friday, went out of town and came home to another load on the one I was cutting up. I'm not complaining, and I knew it was coming, but it came about 3 days earlier than he projected. Having a front yard full of free wood is always better than an empty wood rack!
Ive pulled up with a 16' X 8' X 4' dump truck load with 90% redoak already cut to length and have 10% sweet gum in it and the homeowner refuse the free load because of the gum.Which burns fine just difficult to split.
I have about a 1/2 acre of free wood here and no one wants it. most is oak most is allready cut to length.I advertised in the free cycle here a couple of yrs ago and people were coming out here and complaing because the free wood wasnt split and seasoned.
All i ask is someplace to dump thats level.I had to dump a load of hickory in the burn pile today.
I wish you lived near me, I'd take whatever you dumped. Why are folks so picky there? Anyone around here would take the wood, good and bad, it all burns.