Hrmm, just a year or two ago I "cruised" some "timber" near a high-visibility gate to determine whether topping trees at a certain height would leave 20% live crown or more in order to meet a FAA mandate regarding glide path for approach and departure of a runway. If less than 20%, the tree had to be removed. Several of the removed trees were "named" trees commemorating notable people. There was a cry and hue, but to no avail, because it was the FAA's doing, not ours. It almost looks from this video like the trees that were left standing were selected in a similar fashion. If they've got enough photosynthetic capital left, they'll be fine, if a bit shorter. Might take a few years to fill out, but they won't die. About the same time, I "cruised" some "timber" in a golf course -- they wanted 30% less shade on a green! I had to do some pretty fancy figuring to mark the right trees to leave it looking "wooded" while still putting enough light on the ground in the right place.