Treeslaying Illinois style

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Now that would work, we have solid ice covered hills here, and srew steering, I wanna hurtle down the slope out of control. put a good spin on it, too.:)
plus room for the beer!

Oh boy! I can picture it now. That's why I'm laughing. Pug out baby, pug out

You can do that but you gotta punch some holes in it first like we used to do with lightning bugs in mayonaise jars. And of course put a bottle of whiskey in there to simulate my natural habitat.

Two novas and a blakes
It ain't good but as long as I don't think about it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :laugh: I am selling what I can going to try to down size and survive but time will tell.

Slow as hell here too, bud. Ain't worked since Christmas. Just joined a gym so I have something to do and get rid of that seasonal baggage. How'd it go with that direct tv thing?
It ain't good but as long as I don't think about it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :laugh: I am selling what I can going to try to down size and survive but time will tell.

I put 5 pieces up for sale and sold one right after Christmas and then got busy. It will come around Wayne.

These are all over the internet for $5-10, they work great for kids, my lardaz makes them not worth it. Since you are a feather weight they should stiff fly for you.
The Dept of Defense briefed the president this morning.
They told President Obama that 2 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq .
To everyone's surprise, all the color drained from Obama's face.
Then he collapsed onto his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears.

Finally, he composed himself and asked, 'Just how many is a brazilian?'

This is not surprising, since he obviously has no understanding of billion or trillion either.
yeah... i got a laugh from that :) thanks

The worditude usage is better fitting to a bushism-nacular, but brazilan does sound like a big number. I'd like a brazilian right about now -- oh, shoops...we have work in a few hours; why am I reading your post? And worse, why am I rambling a response. Oh - it's a mistletoe removal and prune job... :chainsaw:
.we have work in a few hours; why am I reading your post? And worse, why am I rambling a response. Oh - it's a mistletoe removal and prune job... :chainsaw:

bet you're wearing long johns today, too, huh?
its a balmy 18 deg. and forecasting snow again here...:bang:

And oldirty better keep hiding in his basement, talking all that smack about the Pats, you know, the ravens doormat yesterday? Brady sucked eggs, and oldirty needs a new team now...............

And don't get me started about the Packers loss, I thought I was having a coronary, what a game.
Ben gals very predictable as well.

If Ocho stinko did half of what he said he would do we would be in the stupid bowl. If we kept TJ Whose Your Momma (Houshmanzada now at Seattle) we coulda been contenders. We all hate him and wish they had dumped him and will dump him.

Ben gals place kicker Shane Graham missed 2 easy crucial field goals. His name is on the menu for a steak at the local 4 star steak house Ruby's The Precinct. If you order one of those you better have your cell phone to call 911 for a choking emergency.
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That is a packers tradition, pulling defeat from the jaws of victory. I guess if you want to win, you have to show up before the first quarter ends.

John, you was robbed. Rodgers looked good AFTER the first quarter, and looks very cool under pressure.

arizona abused the GB zone defense passing, and ran thru every hole.:angry:

Ben gals very predictable as well.
Ben gals place kicker Shane Graham missed 2 easy crucial field goals. His name is on the menu for a steak at the local 4 star steak house Ruby's The Precinct. If you order one of those you better have your cell phone to call 911 for a choking emergency.

Dang Dave, don't suger coat it! that is harsh, and I"m :ices_rofl:
who are the Jets, anyway? never heard of em. :laugh:
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