Triple felling, mad man or magician?

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For some reason I can only see about 5 seconds of this video. Anyone else having any problems with it?


Sorry, not this one but the pine.wmv.
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Slick...ya goofball...:greenchainsaw:

I have to say, i really appreciate your vids...I'm not an arborist, and will rarely cut a tree for someone else, and I will barely climb into the truck, much less a tree with a chainsaw...but I do drop quite a few trees, and I have learned loads from have saved my bacon a couple of times when I had a tricky one..

neighbor asked me to cut up a blowdown he had adjacent to a severe'll do it for the firewood...well, then he asks me to drop the leaner....ummmm...ok...but what about those nice little oaks under it? they will be gone if that tree goes down on 'em....he says don't sweat wife likes them but I don't give a damn...hmmff...she's better looking than you...i'm not making her mad..thought about it for a couple hours...cut an offset hinge with
a deep wing on the upside of the fall and backcut at a fairly steep angle...tree was self supporting at about 40 degrees to the ground...didn't want it coming cracked, popped and rolled right around those two little oaks...didn't stir a twig on 'em...wish i had a video camera...

Thanks man!