Truck signage advertising

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Originally posted by taznleo1
I always wondered why people put the discount off on their fliers.
Does it work?? If you offer $50.00 off for a discount, how do people know if you are really granting it to them. Say you look at a job, ex. $250.00. You could easily tell them it is $300 and still come out the same price you wanted to start.
I am not trying to dog you or anything, but I just think it is funny. I see that every where. Roofing, siding, any type of labor. You can put any price on the labor and tell them that you are giving them a discount.
I always thought that a person should put in their fliers, that you would be any price by $50.00 as long as they give you 3 estimates from 3 different companies. Then they could see that you were giving them a deal.

If it were up to me I wouldn't use a coupon, but the ad is posted in a coupon advertising magazine. I don't usually ask how they heard about me until after I hand them the bid. Some people offer the input though. When a new customer says, "Hey, I saw your ad in the Ad Max Magazine...." that just gives it away. Coupons produce a lot of small jobs and bargain shoppers, but my biz is only about 2 years old and I need all the exposure I can get. And about your last suggestion (get 3 bids and beat price) heck no man. I don't want to wear my self out young. I don't want to be the "cheap tree service" either.

Back on topic....
Got another call from my truck logo while running bids this evening. Haven't given the bid yet.


I have signs on the chipper.
After reading the responses I can see the wisdom of signage.
Dont know if I will put signage on the truck tho. I like the 'under the radar' feeling and I keep busy all year but I will think about it
Nick , sold the Austin. Well I dont have the money in my hand yet but someone made the reserve price
i dont have signage on my truck other than some magnetic signs,beacause i run two buisness names,easiest way to double your exposure.pull them off and im joe blows tree service.i dont think signing your truck is a big issue,you need repeat clients and word of mouth to cruise along.i do plenty of smaller jobs for old folk,300 job 2 hours 800 job all day bust ass i know what id rather do.i also have arranged with mowing contractors to do there trees, mulching,stumps as a subb for very reasonable rates so they make a buck, i would do a day a week for them now.pull the stickers off so it dont look like there ripping the chasing work
reasons to not put signs on truck:
ashamed of work being done, no want for recognition
crap work being done, not aware of better options, no want for recognition
.. dunno what else off hand. First thing I did was put signs on my truck, both doors and tailgate. Have gotten a few walk ups and maybe 2 or 3 jobs from them but I also think they give some visual credibility, when I park on a customers driveway for a quote or consultation they can see that I am legitimately in business, I am professional (rather than fly by night), I am proud to be associated with the work I do and I also fly the logos of the ISA and my local association, the BCLNA.. I landscape install and do maintenance pruning type stuff, arbo consults and tree reports so I dont drag a chipper around (pretty much sums up the business you do rather than just showing up in a pickup) so I think they help me. I shake my head when I am at the dump some days, ten pickups and trailers dumping at the green waste dump and I am the only one with signs.. I also have the cleanest truck, looks a few years newer than theirs (although not new by any means) and I really wonder, do these guys manage to charge as much as me when we do the same work? I think customer perception is a big deal when it comes to price. I also have logo tee shirts, vest, couple jackets and I always wear my tool belt when working (felcos, pocketknife and magnifying glass). anyhoo, just my humble .02
Originally posted by jimmyq
reasons to not put signs on truck:
ashamed of work being done, no want for recognition
crap work being done, not aware of better options, no want for recognition

I didn't have signs on my new F-350 4x4. I figured do doctors or surgeons have signs on the vehicle they use to get from their office to the hospital? Lots of professionals don't have signs.


hired guns don' need no signs:cool:
Uhh some I guess. That is why I said from pt a to pt b. Like arborists. Lawyers meet clients and use their cars to do so. Do you see them with signs saying "John XYZ, Patent Attorney"?

It depends on your clientelé and desired margins. I come highly recommended and charge phat margins on my quality work. My goal isn't to work more, it is to fatten my margins and work LESS. I like kayaking, snowboarding, climbing, and visiting friends around the world too much to get pumped about working 52 weeks a year. I don't see the whole thing with wanting to stay busy. I am not in business to stay busy. Give me phat margi$ and time.

To each his own.
I come from the other side of the coin at this time Nathan, I think that might be the difference in opinion for this subject. I am starting my business, my goal is to be as busy as possible and make as much $$ as possible of course, my advertising is word of mouth, my truck, my business cards, seminars I give, trade shows I attend (schmoozefest 2004) to keep in touch with industry people and magazine articles I try to get published. At some point in the future I too hope to pick and choose the gravy jobs, good money, less work, more time for myself... but for now, gotta get the word out. If I am too busy to keep up, advertising is going to be reduced to maintain what I can accomplish and perhaps then the signs come off the truck, till then, I want to show my name everywhere possible.
Keep the nice signs Paul. They DO enhance the professional image of service related companies. When you get too busy cut other advertising and/ or raise your rates. (Good luck-I tend to work myself silly working too cheap.:rolleyes: )
I didn't mean to sound big pimpin'. If your point was to say no signs means not too many roots, after thinking, I guess you were correct. (says the Texan living in Bavaria).

I did what I had to do to maintain phat margins while I was there. In my defense, upon leaving, I sent my clients an email explaining the importance of continuum of care along with a VERY good reference.

When I started, it was all signs, all yellow pages. After a few years and great references, all of that seemed a waste. Keep in mind my biz plan was to increase margins and not increase business, add a crew, etc.

Life now is good. There are many biz models and many clientele. The only model that is wrong is the no model biz model. Think about it.

We have signs on our truck and trailer. I don't think it ever brought in business directly, but people did tell us they noticed. It all fits in to name recognition. Some expert probably has a formula on how long it takes to build the recognition, but I'd guess it's more than 3+ years.