True storie's, Really?

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I love it when they just go ahead and assume you the position without even telling you like it was written since the dawn of time. Oh, yeah, of course the climber is the foreman! ... but only when its conveinient for them.

Yeah, I was just a climber... until something got broken, the job was taking too long, he wanted my opinion on how long a massive pruning job would take, etc.

He didn't have much of a clue about running a business though. He was just a private school richboy, who's parents bought him the company he worked for, when the owner retired. "Just put down the crack pipe, son, we'll do this for you"! :dizzy:

Lol, just reminiscing a bit this am..
I vote when things are broke or lost its the responsibilty of the entire crew I rarely see one guy hooking up a trailer or working on the ground or chipping , I mean I was treated that way when I worked for another guy and I thought it was fair , and honestly we always fixed our F ups as a crew ... I mean we maintained the truck, kept it clean and when something was worn or wiped out iit wasn't any surprise to anyone , I just think even if he makes more money one person cannot possibly work and watch all the other guys , it just doesn't doesn't work ...
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Historical reference? Ok. What happened to the last guy ( climber/foreman) you hired? And we are modeling after aspy now? I don't know if that is such a good idea.
You say "that is how it works"? Oh, well, umm, howzit workin fer ya? Let me answer: You do realize that what you just said above confirms my theories don't you? Ah well, I leave it up to you.

The last climber I hired went to over-the-road truck driving. He still calls me all the time seeking advice on his various truck problems, and he calls me when he will be in town, occasionally seeking some work.

Regarding the last paragraph you posted; no I don't realize anything about your theories except that they seem to make no sense and you are not really posting anything but random thoughts.

I'm not planning on hijacking this thread anymore...
I had (had) a guy that worked for me for 8 years and every once in awhile he would be late on Mondays and if I didnt call him on it it would be every Monday, figured out the best way to deal with him was when he was late I would call him and give him Tuesday off too, so he would miss out on two days pay, it worked out very well ig getting him up on Mondays.

Now THAT is clever. To good to lose, smart enough to learn.
The last climber I hired went to over-the-road truck driving. He still calls me all the time seeking advice on his various truck problems, and he calls me when he will be in town, occasionally seeking some work.

Regarding the last paragraph you posted; no I don't realize anything about your theories except that they seem to make no sense and you are not really posting anything but random thoughts.

I'm not planning on hijacking this thread anymore...

Well now, do you see my point then?

My point: Yer last "climber/foreman" ain't climbering/foremaning anymore. Nope. Why do you think that is?:msp_rolleyes:
So this thread is about stupid things on job sites. So my part time ground guy has trouble keeping busy. So I take down a 40ft pine and tell him to cut it up and I'll haul brush to the chipper. All the brush is gone we load a couple logs and he says they are too big and waives his hands. I told him to cut them smaller he just walks off and starts raking. I was so pissed I just loaded them myself. He was actually surprised when I said that was our last job together because if I had to climb haul all the brush and logs I would just do it by myself and save money.
So this thread is about stupid things on job sites. So my part time ground guy has trouble keeping busy. So I take down a 40ft pine and tell him to cut it up and I'll haul brush to the chipper. All the brush is gone we load a couple logs and he says they are too big and waives his hands. I told him to cut them smaller he just walks off and starts raking. I was so pissed I just loaded them myself. He was actually surprised when I said that was our last job together because if I had to climb haul all the brush and logs I would just do it by myself and save money.

Yes it is and you made a great start.

A lot of what I read is penny-ante stuff. But, as others have said, it all adds up. Couple things have stood out. Any time an employer listens to the underlings over the job boss, something is drastically wrong with the Boss/Forman relationship and people need to seriously examine their professional relationship. In my state, ANYONE left on a job in an oversite position is technically and legally "management"; disposition and pay should reflect this.

A good worker who has punctuallity issues needs to be fired for it one time. See if that doesn't fix it (you can give him his job back if he begs for it; this will teach someone worthwhile a lesson they will never forget). A lot of times morning punctuality problems are silent rebellion, some aspect of their job/life that they are hating: challenge them. The biggest mistake a business owner can do is to lose a good employee: they are the most expensive tool in your inventory; but like all good tools, they must be taken care of. If an employee sees no possibility of becoming more in your company than he already is, then of course he's going to go into business for himself; you have to nurture the sapplings and prune the dead weight. (haha)

Hats, gloves, glasses, ear protection, in my line, those are hand tools and the responsibility of the employee. Oh, you came to work without your tools? Guess you're not working today. Parts missing from trucks and machinery? Tools damaged from carelessness? Those come out of pay checks. Good employees put it together real fast. Bad ones get gone. Either way, mission accomplished. I once had to buy an entire kitchen's worth of new cabinet doors: twelve years later I still remember that job like it was yesterday, and I haven't drilled a cabinet door wrong since.

You don't have to be a jerk or a tyrant about it, but, and especially, it's business, not personal. We/Our bosses are in business to make money, not losses from carelessness. And people who tolerate bad employees, for what ever reason and however they fit that definition, won't be in business long: the losses will soon outway the gains.

No Help Is Better Than Bad Help.

Funny story time: I once had a cub running a shopvac while the boss was running the Pardner demo saw with a water hose attached in the basement of a million dollar remodel; water was flowing every where and no matter how hard and fast the cub pumped that vacuum hose and wand, he couldn't get out in front of the flood of water flowing across this basement floor. So, the boss shut the saw down to see what was going on. The vacuum wasn't plugged in :D. To this day we still laugh about this when we see each other.
Personally I think making sure employees respect equipment and realise it's not theirs to lose or break is pretty damn important, could probably make or break a business in some cases, you seem to be well aware of this.
I get the impression from reading this thread that the guys under you get written up a lot, for every little thing.
Do you take into account the fact that people are human and let the unintentional little things slide or does head office hear about them to?
And also, have you ever lost something accidentally, made a small mistake or been late by 1 minute? It happens to even the best of people once in a while you know

And also, have you ever lost something accidentally, made a small mistake or been late by 1 minute? It happens to even the best of people once in a while you know


My dad moved us to California when I was 14 from Florida. Station wagon, U-Haul, 5 kids and a cat. We took the 10 west. I rode in the back with the cat.We had the window in back that rolled all the way down. Anyway, every time the cat needed to poop, my dad had to pull over some place like rest area's or where-ever. On the third day, going thru west Texas, he said the next time the cat pooped, throw it out the window. So the cat pooped and I thru the cat out the window on I-10 in Texas. My mom freaked out! My dad thought I was an Idiot. He meant, throw the poop out the window. Yeah, I am human, but if you continually show up 1 minute late, you got a problem with me!
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My dad moved us to California when I was 14 from Florida. Station wagon, U-Haul, 5 kids and a cat. We took the 10 west. I rode in the back with the cat.We had the window in back that rolled all the way down. Anyway, every time the cat needed to poop, my dad had to pull over some place like rest area's or where-ever. On the third day, going thru west Texas, he said the next time the cat pooped, throw it out the window. So the cat pooped and I thru the cat out the window on I-10 in Texas. My mom freaked out! My dad thought I was an Idiot. He meant, throw the poop out the window. Yeah, I am human, but if you continually show up 1 minute late, you got a problem with me!

Yeah, I guess it never hurts to ask for clarification.

I'd like some clarification on whether the cat succumbed.
If anybody here has a problem with raccoons, try a mixture of flybait and regular Coke in a dish. I don't know if Pepsi is as good as Coke, but was told to use regular Coke; not the Diet stuff. Coon #2 literally dropped dead in it's tracks right at the dish. Coon #1 met his Maker at 3:00 am the other night after snacking on his last live duck, Poor duck woke me up, his assailant got a couple of .22 sleeping pills.
My dad moved us to California when I was 14 from Florida. Station wagon, U-Haul, 5 kids and a cat. We took the 10 west. I rode in the back with the cat.We had the window in back that rolled all the way down. Anyway, every time the cat needed to poop, my dad had to pull over some place like rest area's or where-ever. On the third day, going thru west Texas, he said the next time the cat pooped, throw it out the window. So the cat pooped and I thru the cat out the window on I-10 in Texas. My mom freaked out! My dad thought I was an Idiot. He meant, throw the poop out the window. Yeah, I am human, but if you continually show up 1 minute late, you got a problem with me!

S##t I bet the cat didn't see that coming!
And yea being continually late is no good. Make the guy set his clock 5 mins forward, after couple of weeks he'll forget about it and be 4 minutes early
I'd like some clarification on whether the cat succumbed.
If anybody here has a problem with raccoons, try a mixture of flybait and regular Coke in a dish. I don't know if Pepsi is as good as Coke, but was told to use regular Coke; not the Diet stuff. Coon #2 literally dropped dead in it's tracks right at the dish. Coon #1 met his Maker at 3:00 am the other night after snacking on his last live duck, Poor duck woke me up, his assailant got a couple of .22 sleeping pills.

Antifreeze apparently has the same effect. The animals are attracted to it because of the sweet smell
My dad moved us to California when I was 14 from Florida. Station wagon, U-Haul, 5 kids and a cat. We took the 10 west. I rode in the back with the cat.We had the window in back that rolled all the way down. Anyway, every time the cat needed to poop, my dad had to pull over some place like rest area's or where-ever. On the third day, going thru west Texas, he said the next time the cat pooped, throw it out the window. So the cat pooped and I thru the cat out the window on I-10 in Texas. My mom freaked out! My dad thought I was an Idiot. He meant, throw the poop out the window. Yeah, I am human, but if you continually show up 1 minute late, you got a problem with me!
so just to clarify being a #### isn't a learned behavior its just something you are born with or without , makes sense though , would you be mad if one of your kids heaved one of your turtles out a window ???? That prolly get a rise outta ehhhh Jeffy???I bet you'd be pulling that #### over a beating someones ass.. #### cats though I had one that sprayed my furniture in my sons room when he was a newborn , then I found him in his crib , I tried to throw his ass out the window tossed him 3 times but the window was closed , God that cat and I straight up hated each other , I eventuallywon though he got old and I volunteered without discussion to be the one to drive him to get put down LOL ...I miss him from time to time I miss kicking a sleeping animal in the ass, and I would lock his ass outside in the winter at night and he would just be there in the morning all cold and pissed off ..
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My dad moved us to California when I was 14 from Florida. Station wagon, U-Haul, 5 kids and a cat. We took the 10 west. I rode in the back with the cat.We had the window in back that rolled all the way down. Anyway, every time the cat needed to poop, my dad had to pull over some place like rest area's or where-ever. On the third day, going thru west Texas, he said the next time the cat pooped, throw it out the window. So the cat pooped and I thru the cat out the window on I-10 in Texas. My mom freaked out! My dad thought I was an Idiot. He meant, throw the poop out the window. Yeah, I am human, but if you continually show up 1 minute late, you got a problem with me!

I wondered who this hunter was, could it have been Jeff?

911 redneck hunter call - YouTube

Couldn't resist