I got a quote from a builder in NE on puting the trailer together for me. The price he quoted me included everything but mounting my chipper on the finished trailer. Here's what he spec'd out for me:
Est. length of trailer frame to be 20'
8'x8'x6' tall box on front of frame
curb side to hinge at top to dump
opening in back for blower
side dump with DC power unit
battery, cables, 12' hand set
tandem 3 1/2" cylinders
back 12' to be built above the wheels
curb side to have platform 4'x12' with steel deck
Bi-fold ramp off back for loader to load
street side to have a basic outer rail frame 4'x12'
Chipper unit would need to be mounted as required
Basic bumper pull straight hitch
2 1/2" pintle hitch, 12K drop leg Jack, spring
breakaway kit, LED lights, wiring in conduit
DC power unit enclosed in box on hitch
others available
I will give you pricing according to axle applications>>
3-- 7,000# spring axles elec. 16" 10ply radials
3-- 7,000# Torsion axles elec. 16" 10ply radials
2-- 10,000# GD spring axles elec. 215-75R 17.5 16ply singles (4)
14ply tires on 16" wheels -- $350.00
gooseneck hitch -- $650.00
spare 16" wheel & mount -- $250.00
spare 17.5 wheel and mount-- $400.00
And here are some questions I asked of him along with his replies:
1) you have a 12’ deckover platform spec’d for the rear – 4’ for mini skid loader and 4’ area for chipper. What would the approx height of that deck be? The top of the trailer frame upon which the chipper currently sits is about 20” from the ground. I am a bit concerned about having it significantly higher as it will make loading the chipper more difficult (have to lift higher). A - According to the picture of the chipper it would sit about the top of the fender 35"s. A - unless part of it well sit inside the wheels
2) Will the 2 – 10k spring axles make the trailer any higher than the triple 7k axles? A - not much maybe 37"s
3) Will the 2 – 10k axles corner better than the triples? A - Usually, triples are harder on tires dragging them in short turns
4) Will the 2- 10k axles handle the weight of the trailer whether empty of chips or fully-loaded any better/same/worse than the triples would? A - probably the same
5) How much room would there be in the case of either 2- 10k axles or 3- 7k axles from the tires to the front of the frame? you may have about the length of the dumping box which is 8'L. I am looking at possibly wanting a toolbox mounted along the non-hinge side of the trailer and, if possible, to be long enough to accommodate an 8’ or 9’ gas powered pruning saw among other things. One of the photos of the holmen tree service trailer shows a toolbox that they added to the trailer after the fact… A - I can get a two door aluminum 16x13x96 and mount there for about$1,150.00. One could possibly be built under the box along the main frame stringers.
6) Just wondering why dual lift cylinders vs a scissors lift? A - Cylinders are less money, scissors is about $790 more.
7) Any idea what the total weight of the trailer would be finished (non including chipper mounted) A - guessing 5000--5500
8) Any idea what the tongue weight would be with no chips loaded in the box and with the 4500# chipper mounted on the frame and 2500# mini skid steer loaded next to it and what the tongue weight would be with 7000# of chips loaded in the box? A - with 7,000#' on back you would want a lot of that over the axles to not get the hitch to light. So as you load the box a lot of that weight will go to the hitch.
9) The bi-fold ramp – will that be built heavy enough to accommodate the 2500# skid steer plus a few more hundred pounds should I need to load it with a log in the grapple? Is there any chance that the middle hinge will rust up or get bent and cause problems down the road? possible If so, would a longer 6’ aluminum curved ramp work better? The stump grinder being loaded onto the Holmen Tree trailer is only 1100#. My skid steer is significantly heavier and I am just concerned as to whether the bi-fold ramp will hold up. I have a bifold piano-hinge ramp on a cargo carrier for my pickup and, after a few years, it rusted and bent and does not hinge right anymore. My guess is the piano hinge wasn’t strong enough and it should have been a 1” solid rod through a pipe type of hinge. A - We don't do aluminum. Why couldn't we just make a couple of ladder ramps, say 6-7' long and have them slide in under the back when stored? They would be more ridged and less likely to bend. Beings you are using a heavier skid steer I would go with a one piece ramp.
10) I would like to have a short side on the mini skid side of the platform just in case the mini skid was to slide sideways somehow. Something like a 1/4”x6” flat iron welded to the side and maybe a couple of tie down points on front and back of platform in case I want to chain it down… A - sure we can do that add about $140.00
11) The prices you spec’d – that is for a completely built and painted trailer of my color choice with only the chipper to be mounted in order to be a finished product? YES
Anyone have any more thoughts on this? It looks like a complete package will run me around $12-13k. Mounting my chipper will cost another $1k. One of my biggest concerns is his wanting to mount the chipper on a deckover frame. I'm worried it will be too tall. However, it is too long to mount sideways on a drop deck frame and, if it is mounted length-wise on a drop deck frame then it is too wide to also load the 36" mini skid next to it.
Just trying to decide if it's worth the $14k investment (not including the cost of my chipper).........??????????