Yeah okay. Dude it was four-stroking way up high at the end of 15ft cuts. I never set it much past 12k cold and that sounds pig fat on ported 660. You mill big hardwood much? The saw gets stupid hot 350* in the oil tank. I'm no where near rich at the end of those cuts. This saw moves a lot of air 14 minutes a tank running the 83 intake time. It burns fuel and spilts oil. The temps outdoors have a lot to do with running big filters and V stack. It has runs 50-1 and still won't warm up tuned to 14 on cold days with top quality oil mixed in it. I also have added cooling on the far side of the head now. At 55-1 in 40ish wet weather the muffler is wet inside. The bigger saw does the same thing tuned between 11.5-13ish. 13 is a lot for a big saw. I keep it near 12 most times. 1122 tunes to 14 then it's gone. Not looking to find out on the big one. 034 tunes up near 15 before its gone. Still reves to 16. Oil or piston issues has never been a problem running high quality oils. Go watch TM new videos of work saws running good oil. He's not guessing or using a guestometer lol. We check stuff numbers don't lie.If your spewing oil like that you were tuned too rich.