I don't do very many piston/cylinder jobs - But when I do it's it's gonna be new or used Mahle
or the customer takes the saw to another shop. I just won't do anything else. But that's just me.
I won't charge a customer $40 an hour to "clean-up" a crappy cylinder period.
I can get them used on eBay or chainsawr...sponsor here.
You might have to wait for a good one to come up..but so be it.
I just do neighborhood work soo..it's very important to me that what I service works well..
If you have a good reputation and something goes wrong...you probably still have a good reputation
If you get a bad reputation (and bad news travels fast) you gotta do a whole lotta good to get back..!!
Mahle is quality..and you pay for it..so be it - the exhaust on the Mahle is perfect..on the Meteor..well...
Meteor really could rule the aftermarket..just make consistent cylinders like they do their pistons.
Up the price if need be..it would still pay-off BIG and they would get more sales...
Meteor could absolutely OWN the aftermarket if they would just somehow match Mahle quality.
But they choose not to..??