unethical contractors

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A man working without his valid license as a Dentist was arrested mid-procedure in Greenbay,cops walked in, cuffed him, and sent the poor fella in the chair to another legitimate dentist to finish up. Kinda wish the same thing worked for Arborists...
Pickup truck shows up, fella and his crew starts working on tree for homeowner, cops show up after a call is placed,fella gets fined/arrested for posing as an Arborist without a license and without necessary insurance for himself or his crew, cops assist homeowner to call in the local legit fella to finish the work who presents the necessary paperwork to homeowner upon arrival, and homeowner gets fined for poor judgement. Eventually the quality and safety of tree care increases and the insurance/operating expenses go down because skilled professionals do not have to compete with hacks, even better, young fellas eager to learn the job are hired on at respectable wages and learn to do the job safely and professionally, eventually start legit businesses of their own, homeowners learn the value of caring properly for the trees on their property, and the trees flourish. Whats that old saying? It takes less time to do a job right than it does to do it over. When you see hack work being done dont hesitate to walk over and let the fella in charge know what you think, let the homeowner know the risks that they are taking, and let that young eager kid up in the tree ( the one on a ladder with the poorly maintained saw and not a speck of PPE on him) know that when he falls out of the tree after seriously cutting himself winding up paralyzed/disfigured for life that he wont get a dime out of the "boss"... then again he could always go after the homeowners insurance:deadhorse:
one of the small towns down my way has a register list, if your not on it you dont work in the town!! however the local lowballing hack made a legal issue out of it & won, so his name is on the list.

the town shade tree counsel doesnt recommend him & most of the people in this area are higher up on the social/financial ladder so it helps deter unethical workmanship, he still gets some work from the well off cheapskate`s but this method helped out considerably.

I dont think one needs to be a certified Arborist specifically!! few on the list are But....having some form of regulation is good, I know CA`s who`s work is terrible the only reason they got certified was for promotional reasons not educational/proper reasons!!

what truely needs done is for a town/city to make sure all contractors are Insured(properly), workforce is legal, PPE issued & worn, yes many would probably still slide through but I bet this would help greatly!!
