Unhappy With 390XP Porting Job

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All the people saying "do it yourself" scare me, I think they may be in cylinder sales. :monkey: It's almost like having someone describe how to paint a masterpiece and expecting to do it. You either have the talent or you dont, I don't know maybe you do I've just seen some :censored: up cylinders ported by guys in their garage with a dremel.

Maybe you should find something to practice on first.

I agree W4H, let the pros do it.

You ain't never going to learn anything unless your willing to try. If you think you can't do it then you cant do it. If you believe in yourself, and have a positive attitude you can accomplish allot. I'm an auto tech, and have a guy at work that's always negitive, and has no self confidence, and always has troubles, and constantly asking for my help on anything remotely difficult. I always keep a positive attitude and when something new comes in, I say I can do that. That's why I think I am where I am now.
my, very uneducated, thought is that to get some basic gains "sound simple." to extract every last ounce of power does take a Rembrandt. i think i could do a reasonable "port-by-numbers."
my, very uneducated, thought is that to get some basic gains "sound simple." to extract every last ounce of power does take a Rembrandt. i think i could do a reasonable "port-by-numbers."

Yes, you can. Where do you think the pro builders started????

This is what I tell people at work. Some of them think I'm a hero sometimes, (not trying to toot my own horn) I believe my knowledge has grown allot cause of my attitude. So I say to them when they say, "I can't do that"

"Do you think I just woke up one day and knew all this stuff"??????

It took me a number of years to get where I am today.
You ain't never going to learn anything unless your willing to try. If you think you can't do it then you cant do it. If you believe in yourself, and have a positive attitude you can accomplish allot. I'm an auto tech, and have a guy at work that's always negitive, and has no self confidence, and always has troubles, and constantly asking for my help on anything remotely difficult. I always keep a positive attitude and when something new comes in, I say I can do that. That's why I think I am where I am now.

I have not doubt I could do it. The only thing that holds me back is the pros know what works, they tried the combos and found what preforms best. By the time I get all the tools, I will have well over the cost of a standard woods port job. I would not feel like doing other's saw due to any mishaps that may come along, like trashing a $200+ p&c by an honest mistake. . I got over 25 tanks on the 460 and 10 on the 026 that Jasha did and they are running great, I could not be more happier. I'd rather stick to making a 383 Bowtie pull 500+hp with my own hands or help build a 850hp alky 434ci small block Chevy.
You ain't never going to learn anything unless your willing to try. If you think you can't do it then you cant do it. If you believe in yourself, and have a positive attitude you can accomplish allot. I'm an auto tech, and have a guy at work that's always negitive, and has no self confidence, and always has troubles, and constantly asking for my help on anything remotely difficult. I always keep a positive attitude and when something new comes in, I say I can do that. That's why I think I am where I am now.

Agree fully ..although sometimes it's a time factor involved also some don't want to root around...getting the bits to do it....mind you am very wary of cutting up a new cyl ....soon will have a go tho..have practiced on a few duds.Read lots.Spoken to many who have. :chainsaw:
You ain't never going to learn anything unless your willing to try. If you think you can't do it then you cant do it. If you believe in yourself, and have a positive attitude you can accomplish allot. I'm an auto tech, and have a guy at work that's always negitive, and has no self confidence, and always has troubles, and constantly asking for my help on anything remotely difficult. I always keep a positive attitude and when something new comes in, I say I can do that. That's why I think I am where I am now.

Taking something new apart and figuring out how to fix it is a lot more forgiving than grinding on a cylinder, once you take material out it's kinda tough to put back. You could go through several cylinders while your learning to port. Like I said if you want to do it yourself find something to practice on. Just don't confuse a positive attitude with overconfidence.
Now that I've your attention, I'll tell you why I'm unhappy with it. Because it sat at the guys shop for almost 3 months without being worked on. I did know it may take longer than usual which I was ok with. However, I was told it was done and needed to be put back together. Then a week later, I get an e-mail telling me it is on its way back, unfinished with my refund in the box for the shipping I spent to get it to Washington. I received the saw today, opened it, SUPRISE, no check! The box was still taped up the way it was when I sent it out. I won't be sending any business to that builder again because of the habitual lies that I was constantly being told. I just can't trust someone who has done me that way.

Bummer ...he apparently did great work.Maybe he's sick or has family / financial crap !
Agree fully ..although sometimes it's a time factor involved also some don't want to root around...getting the bits to do it....mind you am very wary of cutting up a new cyl ....soon will have a go tho..have practiced on a few duds.Read lots.Spoken to many who have. :chainsaw:

:agree2: If you want to try this is the way to go about it. I'm not trying to discourage anybody just maybe save a cylinder or two.
Now that I've your attention, I'll tell you why I'm unhappy with it. Because it sat at the guys shop for almost 3 months without being worked on. I did know it may take longer than usual which I was ok with. However, I was told it was done and needed to be put back together. Then a week later, I get an e-mail telling me it is on its way back, unfinished with my refund in the box for the shipping I spent to get it to Washington. I received the saw today, opened it, SUPRISE, no check! The box was still taped up the way it was when I sent it out. I won't be sending any business to that builder again because of the habitual lies that I was constantly being told. I just can't trust someone who has done me that way.

Sounds like you got nailed pretty good. Why don't you spare us from getting nailed by saying who the builder was?
If you've got a steady hand, careful eye, pay attention to detail, and do neat work, you can do this. The information is already out there.

And a quality grinder and bits. If you want decent results this is one place you don't want to use junk.
I am not making excuses for the builder of topic in this thread, but in his defense he has been in and out of the hospital with major surgeries for nearly 9 months and is due back again very shortly. He is unable to be on his feet for more than about 15 minutes at a time.
Like I said, just in his defense, I am not making excuses for anyone.
I am not making excuses for the builder of topic in this thread, but in his defense he has been in and out of the hospital with major surgeries for nearly 9 months and is due back again very shortly. He is unable to be on his feet for more than about 15 minutes at a time.
Like I said, just in his defense, I am not making excuses for anyone.

That is important info, and expains a lot - rumors can "kill" a man.....

...and I never heard of a bad job by him, just some that didn't happen, and only lately.
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I am not making excuses for the builder of topic in this thread, but in his defense he has been in and out of the hospital with major surgeries for nearly 9 months and is due back again very shortly. He is unable to be on his feet for more than about 15 minutes at a time.
Like I said, just in his defense, I am not making excuses for anyone.

That's completely understandable so why not be strait with your customers? Don't tell them something is being done if you know it's not.

I do hope he's ok, seems like a nice guy.
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