Unsatified customer =angry boss= crew leader getting s**t.

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Nobody knows the real situation except you and him. You don't sound that happy with your job from the way you talk, seems like you're just sticking it out for the pay/working conditions? He might be sick of you or just had a bad day. Wondering which it is? Ask ;-)

I chew my staff out from time to time. Not so much for my own pleasure but for their own good. This is a dangerous industry and complacency kills. I like to see them advance and go on to bigger and better things. Anyone who sticks with me for a year has generally learnt a lot and I encourage them to move on and further their career with education, work with other companies to gain a different perspective on approaches to work, and gain more contacts. As a result of that, I've gotten to have good friends who were once workers and now running their own companies. Sometimes they come back to work for me, sometimes they don't. If they do come back I can often teach them something more because they've advanced while working for others or gained more experience and are now ready for some more knowledge. 5 years is an awful long time to work for a small company.
He probably realizes he needs you more than you need him. Pruning is a sketchy area, it's all visual perception and everyone looks at it differently. What you, the professional thinks is healthy for the tree, the customer may see it differently. As for the bidding, my crew is usually in the same position, we kill ourselves every day to bring in the profit. I don't think you'll lose your job, maybe he was having a bad day to begin with and decided to take it out on you. Remember also that some customers are impossible to satisfy.