i think for slapping dead twigs etc. they are economical to offer customer service. We get lots of SpanishMoss, and twirling it like cotton candy and pulling the stuff as ya go with polesaw; when ya got enough to pull without breaking the moss (till ya want to), yet not overpowering you for clean evacuation of moss is strategic move to me.
Also for 'knocking off' mistletoe isn't too bad, and if ya ain't taking the tree branch anyway, more efficiency for the same service. Some line advancing, knocking a dead limb outta a neighboring tree, or even leaving a stob in that tree you won't enter to get dead rotting piece away from tree, and not fall on anyone, i think is better than not taking the few seconds to do cuz that isn't a paid tree etc.
i too think a correct cut can be made with the right stance etc.; pruner for specific tips, figuring on setting up in one spot and having a 20' 3d sphere (38' fer .......... oh never mind he might be reading this....)to reach from there gives lots of options. i wouldn't wait for one for a single task or so, but at some point can be seen as equitable to have with me.
Orrrrrrrrrr something like that,