Upheaved Maple--Safe to Keep?

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Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
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se usa
This red maple fell over in a windstorm in April. A strong gust from the SW; pretty rare. Most of the roots--3/4? border standing water and they did not hold, tho there was no sign of imminent failure in the past 8 years of hurricanes etc. Rootball is above the prow of the rowboat. How can I keep it safe? It is leaning on a 4" side branch in the middle, and a 5" dbh hickory at its top (pic 2).

I already pruned off the ~30-40% of the crown that added the most to the lean. I do not want to lower the level of the pond. Ideas?
Guy, It's by the pond-leave it lying there an see if it lives as a nice character tree or else keep it -stacked neatly in the firewood pile.
treeseer said:
How can I keep it safe? Ideas?

First of all, stay away from it if you have a saw in your hand. :) Seriously, what are you trying to keep it safe from? I don't see any targets under it. Like Justin said, leave it alone and let it do its thing.
Treeman14 said:
I don't see any targets under it.
The targets are me and the kids when we climb on itand walk under it. :rolleyes:

Do you see a white strap haning down from the trunk? We were thinking about a swing there. I was thinking of propping the trunk with 2 4x4's, and covering the rootball with burlap haning down to the water so it would wick up water and keep it moist and weedless.

"First of all, stay away from it if you have a saw in your hand."

Gosh that is really funny, but you're right--this tree could be put in the "storm damage" category, so I could go off and cut it back to those stubby nodes again! :cool: But seriously, all the cuts were standard reduction cuts, made to uprights that get the most sun. ;) job #1 was to get the weight off and keep it off the ground.

I don't need no more firewood; anyway being maple if this one did fail all the way it would go to the woodturner. I get $50-100/pickup load, depending on the color and grain inside, plus a nice salad bowl. :)
They always say that it's the plumber that has the dripping taps!

You know what has to be done .................................DO IT, and don't get all emotional now. :)
Hey Treeseer,

i only see two options.. One would be to set a huge concrete block in the pond, and winch the tree back upright. :blob2:

Or the only real option, is cut that sucker up! If your gonna have kids playing near that thing, its a goner. Take the good straight stuff to your wood turning buddy, make a few bucks, buy the kids some new fishing poles or something with the proceeds. Take the crown and brush and throw it in the middle of the pond for some good lunker bass habitat. Let the kids fish for those lunkers with their new poles!

Instead of 2x4s, you could use some metal pipe. Maybe a pipe flange to secure the pipe end to the tree? It would be less noticable and not look quite so cheezy.
I understand why you want to keep it. It looks like a lot of fun to climb, for kids and old men. :p
Instead of 4x4 I would use some 6x6 posts and a cross member under the trunk about 2/3 the way up from the base. Maybe a rubber mat between cross brace and tree to protect trunk from rubbing. Tree does add some character and nice kid/grownup climbing tree but it will continue to grow and it will never straighten back up so if you plan on keeping it support it. Like the burlap idea, but red maple usually has such an extensive root system it will likely seek the moisture it needs pretty quickly. Have fun. ;)

I would save it and place a cabling in the crown connecting the maple with the tree its hanging in (or other nearby tree?). So when the maple wants going down its caught into the cabling preventing you and the little guys getting trapped by the tree. I also suggest to remove all bushes around it and trim back overhanging trees to give light to that maple for growth. It will give a better view also at that tree as it is an real eye catcher when propperly exposed. Only do this work when youre sure it survive that fall commin years.

Thanks for the good ideas re propping and clearing for light and bracing to the hickory it's leaning on. I'll do a lot of that, but can't cut all the bushes; one is a :angel: 6'x6' blueberry tree.