Thanks alot guys. Freakingstang I'm in Delaware, you must be near mansfield.
I may just have to take you up on the offer. I will pm you if i ever figure out how to. 38mph winds last night, I am almost afraid to go home and see what happened to the trees. Well at least there are plenty of trees down to test saws on! Guess i'll use my current saw till i get a biggen.
Fireplace insert will be here in 3 days. Problem is all my seasoned wood is 20-25" long. Anyone ever tried to shave 5" off every log in your stack??????
On another note is there any use for 30-45" pines that have been down a few months? I got a friend with a quite a mess.
I stihl don't see how an 800 dollar saw is cheaper than a 3-500 dollar used running saw with new b/c. lol.
Anyway, sorry to be the dork that derailed another
pne of the cheapest, and may iu stress best old saws was my 041. most people cant wait to coment on this saw but hey, it vibrates like hell, it is heavy, (see very heavy), but pulls a 24 inch bar with authority and for the usual 100 or so used price, buy it, beat it into the ground and buy another if need be.
hey this is just me, but i have taken down some monstrous trees with a little 041.
make your own choice, i dont see buying a new saw for dragging out once or twice a year.
Czeigler-wh.pines? 30-40" Diameter x 20-35' Long, down 6 mos.? +more soon.
OH MY!!!!!!!
This shall be interesting!!!!!
Kansas, man, we need to talk!!! Where abouts are you?
South of Great Bend. Thanks for the offer but no thanks but if you happened to stop by with one I would be happy to look at it and try it out and I highly doubt it will make me "crap" come on, I fix cars for a living have done so for over 30 years I have built plenty of high performance engines of all types mechanical things dont make anybody "crap" lol!!!
Impressing me isnt a big deal sawinredneck really I wasnt challenging anyone to a used saw buying contest just giving my opinion like I was asked to do, take it or leave it, and I dont see how that even got started lol!!
It always cracks me up how people get so riled up about things so they can brag on themselfs.
You guys that love used saws and fixing them up how about finding the original poster a good used saw since they are so plentifull that is constructive use of time??? JMO.
As far as cost effective? Yes, considering the price of new saws and the reasonable ease at which one can be rebuilt!
Woods porting? DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDEEEE!!!!! You gotta run one!!!
I wasn't starting a peeing contest, it's the irony, Freak built my 046BB. You ever get bored go to off topic and look up "the freakingstang support group" thread. That is the saw he built for me. I told him what I wanted, and wanted to do, he delivered EXACTLY what I had hoped for!!! It ain't pretty and shiny, you wouldn't even guess anything odd about it. Until you start it up! You'd be amazed how many farmers around here don't have anything big enough to tackle fence row fallen Hedge trees! Most of the time the 25" will work just fine. The step back and have a startled look when you start it, you cut the tree up and shut it off, they still have that glassy eyed look and stammer something like "That thing ain't stock, is it boy?" I just grin an load up my gear
They don't have to be purty to work right!!!