I was hoping for a response like that. you sound from what I read as a top cutter with getting the job done safely #1. probably got 6th sense and can see problems before their dangerous thus putting your abilities above the crowd maybe a reputation if no one else can do it get rope see what he says. Over the years how many guy have you trained? of those how many now have all of your skills? one of my guys had to move and went to work for another company his name sounds like Pony any way good work ethic wanted to be the best never got hurt on my job. a few months into the other job he takes a kick back to the shoulder and ear 64 or8 stitches a little disability not to much 1st day back breaks fingers just let guard down a little. for me if I know a safer way I will recommend it and on my job-sight demand it.
The basic skills all the people lasting more than a week usually lasted
a year or so and learned well. I think it takes years to get the degrees
of skill mastered not unlike a black belt in karate learns more after making
that skill level. I have always prided myself knowing that no one under me
has ever been seriously hurt ever on my job in over twenty years.
I have performed the impossible for many years the ones no one
else wanted and have reached a level that stinks. I now know what
to do and am getting older lol. I have to say if I know a safer way
that the customer is willing to pay for I would be using it, and if
I say I have to have a crane, no one better climb it as it is a death
wish! I climbed some in my youth that I would not climb today, one
in particular was a dead pine surrounded by powerlines that had
a large wood pecker hole twenty foot up that went clean through
it,and I had to climb seventy foot up to piece down to prevent
electrocution. I would not climb that tree today I did so without
a problem but I knew I was walking on thin ice but the company
I was working for did not give me the resources ie. crane to my
disposal. That was in the early eighties and the business was different
in those times. I looked at a tree that a crane would make sense
on about a month ago and told the customer they would have to
pay for it if they wanted me to do the job, still have not heard
but just may be the first time I get to employ one.