Some photos of 'your uncle's cousin's nephew' buddy's dad' tips/SawCertification/Chain Saw Injuries.htm
Most of those guys probably did not expect to get hurt either - might have used saws for many, many years without getting hurt.
"• According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 28,500 chainsaw injuries in 1999. More than 36 percent were injuries to the legs and knees.
• Approximately 40 percent of all chainsaw accidents occur to the legs and well over 35 percent occur to the left hand and wrist.
• The average chainsaw injury requires 110 stitches, and in 1989 the average medical cost was $5,600, according to the Davis-Garvin Insurance Agency, an insurance underwriter specializing in loggers insurance. In the year 2000, corresponding costs were estimated to be more than $12,000. "
Exact numbers are difficult, as not all injuries get reported, or properly classified. Work and non work related injuries are often classified differently, even if they have the same cause (e.g. use of a chainsaw). And, being aware of the number and causes of car crashes does influence the way I drive.