Trying them all
This all started with a saw I have for sale. I posted up a compression reading of 170 psi and nmurph said that was too high. I have confidence in my high quality USA made gauge so I decided to re-check now that the saw had cooled and the shop had warmed to room temperature. So I did another test and got the same reading of 170 psi. So now I'm curious and pull a Stihl 026 off the shelf and tested that. 190 psi. Hmmm, that seems out of range. So I decided to try one more thing and using the same gauge, I tried another hose with shorter threads on it. (more closely matching the length of the spark plug threads). With the different hose, I got a reading of 151psi on the 026. That sounded about right so I retested the Jonsered 2172 again (twice) with the new hose and got 140 psi both times. WOW! Whooda thunk that the tiny difference in displacement by the thread length variations on a compression checker could make that much of a difference. In the pic, it shows the plug from a 2172, the "long thread" checker and the "short thread" checker. Both compression hoses are the same diameter and length. Note that all readings were taken with the same gauge.
Just thought that was really interesting info and could account for some of the variations in readings people get from different saws.
Just thought that was really interesting info and could account for some of the variations in readings people get from different saws.