VC defiant

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So it's rainy and in the 40s here. Mind you I'm still out in a tee shirt cutting wood today but the old lady has be running the furnace a lot lately and we'll I don't mind I hate running the Electric bill up. So I started hooking up the stove. Made the hole in the chimney bigger for the 8 inch pipe. Gotta go get another 90 and it will be done. Glued the rope back into the doors. Only thing I'm concerned with is the heat controlled spring for the air inlet is rather week. Won't stay up for wide open. Can't seam to find them online anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to replace the spring or find a new air control
Got it all hooked up and had a few small fires. Was 35 out last night and had the first real fire. Puts out a lot of heat. Running around 500 on the stove and 450 at the flue. Some much better then the wonder wood.20151016_213631.jpg20151016_213619.jpg20151016_213647.jpg
Defiants are great stoves if you need the heat. Many don't as they really are a whole house heater versus a room heater. I have had one for about 15 years. Its still installed but I rarely use if since I have a wood boiler. It was a single piece back when I got it with a warped fire back. I bought the kit to convert it over to a two piece back.

One issue with defiants is that they will back puff especially if they are sealed well. Folks will crank them up before going to bed, load them full of wood and then close down the air damper. In about 10 minutes the stove will puff , a minor puff will pop the air damper open and quickly close it. Its a distinct rattle noise. More severe backpuffs will rattle the cast iron cooling insert sometimes lift it up entirely and then it falls back down. Once you have seen a backpuff with the cast iron plate lifting a couple of inches, you will definitely not want to see it again. Many folks leave a cast iron pot on the cook plate to limit this but the real solution is not to fill it up with wood and then crank down the air damper.
So far it's 35 out (just chased my Coonhound for 2 hours in boxers in the woods....) basement is 80, got to put my last glass block window in today. Main floor of the house is 68, gotta put storm windows in when my dad stops by today. And the bedrooms are about 62. Gunn put my new duck fan in today and see if that pulls the heat upstairs more. Happy with it so far. 8 hours out of 5 rounds of cherry ash mix.