Vermeer BC1000

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my 2$ of advise 4 u

go bigger and stay away from Vermeer chippers:cry: .pita! Vermeer chippers:cry: is expensive and user un friendly. i like a morbark tornado for a little guy and typhoon:jawdrop::) for a big boy. but bandit is good. these chippers have hydro up and down pressure:clap: and eat wood, brush, vines,people, and anything else that goes in:) our company has 2 Vermeer's:cry: 12in and 18in both new and are crap. I'm big on safety but when it gets in the way of production without reason i draw the line. remember all tree care maintenance is dangerous and even the safest high tec chipper can still consume humans!,. but when i buy a chipper i want it to chip. no if's and's or butt's!!! never let your guard down, ever., and accidents happen to the best most skilled workers. i think the more dangerous the machine the more work it will do and the less WLL and my team's gotta do. be very selective in your team and get a bigger machine. some member on A/S has a great patent on a magnetic safety feature that i approve and greatly respect. be safe use caution!!!
ps im an a dirt lovin tree huggen :monkey: not an english major

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