I've heard perople talk of cambistat to slow down top growth and influance root growth.
But I'm cononcerned with the reduction of caliper growth and will that limit Compartmentalization.
I've seen trees tolerate it, since it moves vertically faster, so just one limb will go.
Crimson King is just a sub cv. of Acer p. 'Schwedler', seen it in many of both.
As I said in an earlier post, one talk at the WAA conferance touched on how urea fert will kick out carbon in the soil, where amonia will not reduce the trees energy stores to gain the needed N. Though all my reading says that the more N introduced, the higher the fungal activity. Some say that boosting the P will help, but no rates were ever mentioned.
Back to the PGR's, cytokinin is a stress hormone in plants and will increase fine rooting. One of the reasons I like the seaweed product I've touched on in the past. (Pan-A-Sea')
Some studies show that plain sucrose is a stress stimulant, and is readily absorbed by roots. Leaves thicken when applied foliarly, perhaps a evolved responce to honeydew.
Is this a typical high pH Carolina red clay site? Was topsoil brought in recently from an old farm site? Vert wilt is hosted by paddoc weeds. I was told at that conferance that the spores remain viable in soil for 4-5 years.
The best things are cultural practices, remove infected material provide optimal soil conditions for the cv. in this case, moist well drained and slightly acid.
mulch with humic soils????