Any body else have this problem.
My right ring finger tip turns white and stays cold if i grab anything even remotely cold. Doesn't really hurt,just gets cold and stays that way for hours.
I asked doc about it one time ,,he said it was combination of chainsaw use and smoking.
Anybody else experience this ?
My BIL had that. He croaked a week later.
Dibs on your Saws!!!
Seriously, ya got some sort of vascular constriction and it's showing up on your ring finger which is bearing against the saw/beer/axe and further restricting flow.
I get that on a couple fingers that were frost bit as a kid, and one that had a chunk taken out of it by a knife.
Heat loss is greatest from your head. Wear a wool cap or similar to reduce heat loss and increase core temps.
Heat loss in your hands is greatest at the wrist.The plumbing is closer to the surface there, and there is less insulative tissue there.
Wear wristovers, or gloves that extend and insulate the wrists.
The next is the feet. Ever notice that if your feet are warm, the rest of you is warm?? Also loosen the laces at the tops and ankles of your boots a smidge. Most folks wear them too tight and it binds circulation.
And see the doc again... circulatory disorders sneak up on people, and then strike from nowhere.
My FIL died at 46 from a circulatory condition he never knew he had.
My wife has it as well, and has to take meds in addition to exercise.
The issue is no joke.
I mean what if your finger is cold and numb and ya poke your brain while picking your nose!?
Rattle your Docs chain if it's persistent.
Stay safe!
(And warm!)