Root pull
I'm gonna suggest that root pull should be under a separate heading. Pretty powerful stuff, a root that lines up with a back-cut being completed in some manner.
"The root happened to be beside the hinge and I cut very low." That is the most common instance.
Generally, potential to root pull is something to be removed, rather than utilized in the training I've received. Removal is by cutting the root as low as possible prior to any falling cuts above or near it.
Those that can utilize root pull predictably are better, more experienced fallers than I.
A similar story to yours is a 16" or so diameter burl on the side of a dead 90 foot tall/28" dia. Ponderosa Pine.
The cutter did an essentially perfect job of face direction, even back cut/ hinge etc. Except he placed the face into the bottom of the burl.
It appeared the burl, being a denser stronger wood - even though this was a dead tree, pulled the Pine over to its side by about 4-5-6 degrees. My suggestion to the cutter was move down the tree next time and avoid the burl altogether.
What we are taught locally and I believe you may find to be true. Is that the wood from the start of the butt swell, is denser and stronger, the lower you go. It is holding the tree up, providing both support vertically and resistance to being blown over.
When cutting this wood at the trees base, it is harder to saw through.
(Framers; before nail guns, used to be able to tell quickly when they had the end of a board that came from the butt of the tree.)
So the roots and very bottom of the butt remain wetter longer and maintain strength that way. You bet.
They also are just very strong, within the context of their species.