Vintage Saws - One Man Crosscut saw vs Bow/Frame saw?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Hey guys. I buck my own firewood and live pretty rurally. I'd like to have an old school backup to a chainsaw for a few reasons: in case my chainsaw ever goes down, kind of as a prepper thing, and honestly just for the fun and experience of bucking wood the way it used to be done sometimes.

Anyway, I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be a better saw to find: a One Man Crosscut Saw, or a Bow Saw (also seeing it called a Frame Saw, Bucking Saw, etc).

I have done enough research to know that I need to pay attention to the type of teeth. Sounded like Great American tooth would work for me.

I'm typically bucking logs anywhere from 12" to 35" diameter, usually oaks but also maple and ash here and there. I would also like the saw to be able to be used for felling a tree if need be.

My question is, what is the difference between these two types of saws in terms of use? I know the designs are obviously different but what did old loggers prefer?

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