Re: Bad Bob the man!
Originally posted by xtremetrees
How is his cancer doing?
I have to admit your pics Bob brought tears to my eyes brother. I seldom have seen such resliency, such effort, character, and flawless determination.Much less aproaching 70 with cancer!
No sir ree Bab Bob is top of the line leading the way for me!
Here he is again
Bob waited a little too long to get initial treatment, so after surgery about 18 months ago, a few cancer cells were found in his bone marrow.
But, after a setback last summer, he is still going strong...thanks to his great positive attitude and huge inner strength. He switched to an almost macrobiotic diet, and is currently getting treatment. I haven't spoken to him for a month, last I heard, he was optimistic the next round of tests would bring more good news.
I dont know if it is possible to beat cancer after it has spread, but if anyone can do it, Bob would be that guy!!! This amazing man, even now, does calisthenics and runs a couple miles, often after working a full day. He has none of the back and neck problems that bother me daily.
Bob works for various companies, so I rarely use him, but he is pretty good for his age and condition. I trained him in the new climbing skills when we got reaquainted back in 95 or so, after not seeing him since 77. You can teach an old dog new tricks!!!
Bob has been too busy working to settle down and continue work on his autobiography- a book the fishing community would love to read.
I've some big jobs coming up, and some of my motley crew is not always up to my high expectations, so I'm gonna call Bob again.
Pic is of a hazard cedar that we reduced to a 70 foot living habitat...