Well, I did it. I ruined brand new MS260

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drmiller100 said:
quit revving it up with no load. So who is the idiot that claims they can jet a modern saw by holding it WOT with no load??????
No...no no. the guy gave his advice in a spirit of kindness and generosity, assuming I knew better than keeping it rev-ed for 20-30 seconds. (I didn't know!)... He also didn't say anything about removing the chain/bar...I did that on my own...out of concern for my safety...I mean to a new saw user like me, there's much to fear.

No. the gentleman who offered his advice was speaking from his own experience. I'm sure it works for him. He assurredly has the limiter caps off his carbs...and a frame of reference for what's a real no-no.

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My gut feeling on seeing that and reading the whole thread was ...

... no 2 stroke oil in fuel mix!!!!

Have a look at my 44 pics, those saws have done around a years work, I tune them by ear and they aint nothing like that.

That's way bad, I aint ever seen any that bad except for blsnelling's rip off saw.

I chucked out a piston/pot assy for 025 that I thought I trashed, it was maybe 25% as bad as that and I ran that saw into the ground being real nasty coz I had a new one sitting there. It had air leaks all over and couldn't hold revs and derrrrr, I forgot to put the aircleaner back on one day and ran it without an air cleaner.

And still wasn't as bad as what i had seen.

But my 046 blew up bad, piston/pot, crank broke etc ... big bust! Stihl repaired under warranty. Top piston ring failed and got stuck between top of piston and exhaust port ... the whole shebang just stopped instantly. Saw was 9 months old and Stihl fixed in the name of goodwill (very nice of them) ... that was 5 years ago and that saw still goes hard.

This looks bad man, something else went on here.
Hey, it sucks, but you can learn a lot from it. Like the guys are saying, if you know your way around a wrench, it won't cost you much...relatively speaking, but the education was priceless.

Ekka said:
My gut feeling on seeing that and reading the whole thread was ...

... no 2 stroke oil in fuel mix!!!!

This looks bad man, something else went on here.

No, Ekka, believe me. I follow instructions when they're clear. (I appear to just make stuff up all on my own --argh.). Your instructions were very clear, thank you for offering them last evening.

The saw shop up here provided me with a 6 pack of Stihl oil and even sold me a 1-gallon gas can. Couldn't have been more foolproof. I even put the oil in the gallon jug and filled 'er up as directed. Honest. There was oil in my mix.

Just not a brain cell in my head.
The sad thing is you can still see the seating grooves on the rings!!! They only last 5-10 hours..

I'm with Ekka - looks like no oil in the mix... but...

James - if you don't want to do the work, ship me the saw (I'm down Woodinville). I'll fix it for the price of parts... It's at least a piston, maybe a cylinder as well...

And your Stihl dealer will never know it's been worked on!! ;)

PM me...

I'd explain to dealer what happened.... they may honor warranty anyways.
Looks pretty bad, good lesson learned there and for the future. Lakeside makes a nice offer, he knows his stuff. If you do it your self make sure you clean out the crankcase and inside the muffler while doing the disasembly, do not want any of those metal shaving from the old piston and head getting near the new stuff.

P.S. it looks straight gassed to me also, but I guess that is because it is so new?
As I sit here with that hang-dog look on my face, wondering how I'm gonna keep my girlfriend from finding out I just fried my new saw...Insult to injury, I can see it coming! Like a freight-train.

Nah...you guys are great. What a community of of nice people this is.

I think I'm gonna go pour myself a glass of bourbon and think nice thoughts for the holidays...

still shakin' my head-

JamesJems said:
Well I took off the muffler and peered inside...

And saw discoloration and vertical scratches on the piston.

and oil seeping down from above. Wiping it away with a clean cloth, I still see discoloration and scratches.

How bad is it?

I think I attached a photo of the piston.
Ouch :taped:
James that pic made me cringe!

That sucks, I feel for you buddy. If you cant remedy this on your own, take Lakeside53 up on his offer. Hes a good guy and a top notch wrench, He'll fix you up.

p.s., you deserve the good Burbon tonight.
Well, like you said, it could have been much worse!! And it's not!! A little over a hundred bones, two good bottles of bourbon, and you will be on you're way again with new parts. It's really not hard to do, quite simple actually, you can be talked though this process, well:monkey: :hmm3grin2orange:

We are going to give you grief, because of all the dumb things we have done in the past give us that entilement:notrolls2:

Have a drink or four, laugh with us, read the dumbest thing you've ever done thread, come out and play:cheers:

It wont be any better in the morning, but it will sure be fun tonight:yoyo:
JamesJems said:
As I sit here with that hang-dog look on my face, wondering how I'm gonna keep my girlfriend from finding out I just fried my new saw...Insult to injury, I can see it coming! Like a freight-train.

Huh?? it's real easy... DON'T TELL HER!!!!:blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
JamesJems said:
Well...let me first thank you all for telling me what I already knew...

And I think it's best to put this into proper perspective. See, I'm a teacher. And we have good days and bad days...After the end of a bad day, one has to reevaluate just how bad it really was. Did someone get hurt? or worse, molested? (no.) Was their ego a bit bruised (perhaps).

So I'm taking the long view on this one. Of all the things that could've gone wrong with me and this saw, my own bruised ego is perhaps the least injurious on the list. No cuts, no sutures, only profound embarassment and a hole in my pocketbook.

I won't even think about a warranty claim. I did this to myself. Period. I'm gonna suck it up and pay for it.

....but man...even after getting philosophical and stuff...this SUCKS.


Your right it just a saw, I know it don't help but your post told me that
you are a man, you can take a hit and keep on going, you can make
a mistake and admit it, it seems that your honest, IMO those kind
of things and taking care of family makes a man more than any thing
else in life, Way more than how big of a saw you can handle.

I have not met Lakeside53, but if I didn't want to try it myself I would
send it to HIM!

Good Luck

Lakeside53 said:
Huh?? it's real easy... DON'T TELL HER!!!!:blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
We sure wont tell her :D Hang in there. besides Lake said He would fix you up, and you could always say you are getting it Modded By a Real Pro!!!!!

BTW Lake fixed me up with good advice on some repairs on one of my 066 project saws with stripped threads and got me going,,,, he's a good dude :blob2:
that scares me a bit.

I modded my muffler today, ( I was bored)

and started it and reved it for a while in the back yard, didnt cut anything though.

it started, idled, and reved up fine.
I DID richen the H jet about 1/8 of a turn before testing.

Maybe I should do some searching on jetting, and start another thread.

Any way, its all part of the learning process, rebuilding the top end looks simple as pie.

Jump in and go for it.
046 said:
I'd explain to dealer what happened.... they may honor warranty anyways.

But he modded the muffler and ran without bar and chain ... two definate no no's ...

Great offer by Lakeside ... good on ya.
From this thread


Here is what I posted.

Ekka said:
As long as the H and L screws dont turn to easily and vibrate to a different position ... who cares.

Just another gimmick to make it look like we care about the planet, pollution and idiots who cant tune a saw.

Yeah the last ones important coz some ****** would think "geee i can get heaps more revs by turning this here thingy in a bit", then 2 days later he's trying out a warranty claim.

Madsens site had a couple of wav sound files to demo what it should sound like but their website is down.


A tach is the best but I have never used one in 10 years to set a saw coz I dont own a saw tach. But I got 2 good ears.

When the saw's warm I hold the trigger flat chat, screw in very slowly till the revs increase ... now that means it's getting lean.

Then I come back out about 1/4 turn. The saw runs just off peak, a sort of blubbering or just missing and heaven forbid I call it 4 stroking. Then try it in some wood.

I had the same thing with my 025 when I took the screen out and opened up the muffler. You have to richen about 1/2 turn, get that blubbering sound.

And you can see by the condition of my old saws pistons and pots that engine wear is minimzed. I run 32:1 stihl 2 stroke oil also and swear by it.

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