The taxpayers pay my salary for the 42 hrs a week I work. What I do on my time off has nothing to do with anybody as long as I'm not doing anything illegal and as long as it doesn't effect my ability to do the job the taxpayers pay me to do.
I'm a legit company. Registered as a business, fully insured, pay my taxes, register my vehicles, licences, commercial vehicle fees, TCIA member, the whole shebang. Other companies are not competing against me as a public employee, but as another tree company. I've never hidden the fact of my municipal occupation. It's been listed on my profile since I came on this site. However, I don't flaunt the fact I'm a firefighter when I'm out as tree guy either. No Maltese stickers on my car, no firefighter t-shirts. I want my customers to see me as the professional tree guy that I am. I believe that I quote the going rate. I don't get them all... Far from it. I'm slowly building up my company so it has some worth, and not just for the equipment I acquire. If my son decides he doesn't want this line of work, at least he'll have a business to sell. Hard to sell a company that doesn't show anything on the books.
I understand your frustration mckeetree in trying to compete with illegals and companies working under the table when you're above board.
Just wanted our members to know I'm not that guy.
Also, that's not my crane. It's my friend who has his own business that I work for in the winter when I shut things down. He is one of several tree companies that I network with (equipment, extra employees, jobs). No man is an island and I've found that in my markets, you're sometimes stronger when you work together.
I hope 2014 brings you more success.