Bid a job yesterday, guy had many others work there before. Bad work. I give him a price, he shows me that I am twice as much as the next highest. Tells me he is still getting bids. We keep talking and he is one of those that thinks that he has a idea of what Arboriculture is all about, but he is dead wrong. He tells me what he has been told, by the big orange and big green and other locals. Tells me what he has been told on how u have to climb a tree when pruning. Gotta wear spikes, no matter what. I correct him, tell him the deal. He is curious on how I climb a tree with out them. So I start to explain it all to him. He keeps stopping me to understand certain points. About pruning, tree reactions, whys and whens. This guy is really cool, and patient, as I was telling him he was wrong on many things. "But soinso told me this" I really cant understand how people can straight up commit fraud and still have a job. He was getting told to treat a dead ass tree (no bark) for iron chlorosis and it will come a Arborist. Same Arborist treated all the neighbors OAKS FOR EAB! WTF! Some people will say or do anything for money. I am sure that somewhere there, a fraudulent crime could be charged. What really kills me is that these people just go with it. It shows, that the GP, really does not have a clue about actual, real, tree care. One of these dipchits is working across the street from him today. I signed him after the talk, which surprised me. I had written it off due to the price, but wanted to educate the guy, so I stayed and gave my spill. He liked that I was persistent and learning what he thought he knew and then correcting him. He told me that the one guy (local) would be there,across the street, so we rescheduled what I had setup and we are going to do his today instead. Going to go talk to this hacker and try to set him straight, this should be interesting. I know of the guy, but don't know the guy. Who knows, maybe I will convert him from the dark side. He may be just a good ol bubba, doing what he thinks is right. As for the Arborist, I know him well, and it does not surprise me at all that he lies to make that sales goal. Dude is a turd, but highly regarded? This is the second time I have heard of him telling people to treat trees, other than ash, for EAB.