Couple weeks ago I had a decent heated run in when those ********* were spiking my customers 200 year old sycamore with the intention of taking 3 20" branches , he tries to tell me that the neighbor has sky rights now granted I was alone with 5 guys 3 look shady and dare I say dangerous I got so mad the blood vessel in my forehead popped out I told the climber if he didn't come down I would cut his rope as high as I could reach he shot down and got in my face I told the owner that if he wanted to go further I would blow his house of its foundation with the homeowner my customer standing there .... I walked awAy thinking that I was gonna get my ass kicked at any second bad ! It ended with the owner grabbing my shoulder and apologizing for all the mess I was expecting a fight my hands were shaking and I was overheating at that point I coulda chucked the climber 20 ft I was so mad , I told my wife and she reamed my ass telling me how out of control I sound , thought about it later when the homeowner texted me and asked if I had simmered down he said he was 2 seconds away from calling the cops then I thought at that point I am scaring the homeowner ! So I am just gonna avoid trying to save the world to keep my own sanity