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Larry posts on fb from time to time. Haven't heard a nada from rope though. Don't see an old timer with that kind of class around here much.
So, turn the corner to were I am going to be working, and what I seen was awesome. Some young kid, up a tree, nothing on, nut huggin a leader about 30ft up, one handing a saw about the size of a 26. 2 older guys on the ground watching. Not one handing like a with a top handle, but because if he lets go with the other, he will fall. This is from a local tree farm, that happens to have a rep for stealing customers. They did it once to me years ago. You go there with a plant list to get a quote and if it has any contact info on it for your client, the owner goes directly to them and undercuts ya. He then goes in a does a horrible job. So when I seen this, it was no surprise to see them trying tree work. I am watching, and taking pics, the kid tries to move up and looses his footing and slips a bit. My stomach turned over. I was going to go up there and jump their chit, but I decided not too. No one was holding a gun to the kids head. Kills me, this is just what I always beyatch about, not sure what is worse, a crackhead hack or a landscaper who does anything under the sun. With EAB on approach, this is going to get worse, everybody and their brother is going to become a "tree service", this is going to be crazy.

I am in love! Its so cute! It looks like it wants to play.

This isn't mine though I wish it was. I am at a toss up right now with another tractor, both with pros and cons. But this one looks like a yard friendly machine and stoutly compact enough for the job. The guy is willing to deal on this one starting at 7500 just south of Wilmington De... whereas the other loader in question is right down the street with its own trailer, backhoe, and under 100 hours. It has AG tires though and is a little smaller. Another thing I am looking at before I decide is EXPERIENCE, which this old Kubota has and you all know how important it is to have experience. I might go ask this loader just how much this experience it has and if if its been good or not. The other loader is a littler New Holland with more plastic parts than this one.

One thing with a tractor like this opposed to using a Dingo is that I guess I won't be able to be as vulgar with this tractor as I was with the Dingo. If you don't know what I mean ask 2trees cause that guy is intolerable with my old one. Good thing that guy don't own a mule.
I make my dingo work hard so i don't have to.

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You better give that mule some extra oats with all the beating yer giving it.

One more time:

Shut it off at high idle and it won't go BOOM!
And leave it rest at idle so yer change purse stays full.

******** boy! Listen to me!
Just got in from looking at a big job (as in seven full days) I had already looked at once last year. Guy was still talking to me after I dropped my price on him (again). This other idiot was gonna cut down a ton of other trees so he could drive a skid steer or something down into the work out back. Guy liked my tractor winch idea much better. Guy is getting one more price. I'm just hoping its some crackhead with crappy equipment and no experience, that creeps the guy out. Lol. That shouldn't be too much to ask for.
Just got in from looking at a big job (as in seven full days) I had already looked at once last year. Guy was still talking to me after I dropped my price on him (again). This other idiot was gonna cut down a ton of other trees so he could drive a skid steer or something down into the work out back. Guy liked my tractor winch idea much better. Guy is getting one more price. I'm just hoping its some crackhead with crappy equipment and no experience, that creeps the guy out. Lol. That shouldn't be too much to ask for.

Is your tractor the same size as that Kubota? Ag tires?
That's a small kubota. You will need turf tires if your driving in yards. Is that one in the picture even 4 wheel drive?

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I don't want much bigger. If I get this little New Holland I will probably have to get rid of the brand new AG tires on it now which look like they will chew through concrete. What kind of cost do you think I am up against with replacing the tires and what do you think I can sell the AG tires that are on it now for?

For about the same price the NH has trailer, mower, backhoe and is practically new. I am not sure if the deal will work out with the seller. I have not contacted the guy with the Kubota.

I need to do something soon. I kinda want to just grab the Kubota and be done as dealing with the NH owner is going to be a life long thing as I would be buying half ownership of the machine. It belongs to a friend of mine who really doesn't use it, it just sits. Its worth around 15 or 16K , well, it might not be worth it but that is what it cost.

Maybe I can talk you into running down to Elkton with me to pick the Kubota up with your truck and trailer ? If I have to bring up the fact that you owe me money AND I gave you such a sweetheart deal on that Dingo I will.
I bought the Dingo used from a dealer who came out and showed me how to use it. I know, I know- what is there to know about running the Dingo? Well, the guy did tell me to shut it off at high idle. That's all they did was sell and work on Toro Dingos and nothing else. I had the thing for 5 years, put 500 hours on it. Shut it off at high idle... at least when I am around jeez that's loud!