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2 days of rain sure to put a kink in my plans.

It seems now that the tractor is OUT, Mt 55 IN.

I suppose I am kicking my self for selling my Dingo a few years ago. I knew I would.

I am just hoping to get something rolling and get back to work without to much more jerking off.

Got kinda screwed with this dead oak:

Actually climbed up to about the very top to set a rigging but saw it was decayed, the only thing I can do is blow that entire leader out and its going to hit the wire which the client WILL NOT take down.
So I explained it again while I pulled my ropes, put the fence halfway back up and left his stubborn ass on the phone to the power company which is where I told him to start days ago.
This guy don't seem it but he is a old time player. Plays the "nice card" while he stands back and watches to see how far a guy will go. I was like, " Yeah, what is it to you if I bring the wire down? You know you can turn yer back and still get the tree down like that but you will be the one getting paid."
I had played his game at first, and it was hard to do, but I kept my wit. I even charged more than " his guy" was going to. I could have taken down the tree no problem, just work it down. The client didn't really know that. But when I saw the decay up top there was no way I was taking any chances. The client didn't really know that either.

He had a good idea that the wire would be broke and I would pay for it. That was one of his strategies. He is selling the house, just needs the tree out CHEAP!

I am not upset about it, glad to be a player myself! Maybe the guy will get me a referral.

Not sure I would want it though. The whole area is filled with big exspensive trees and people just like this guy. These people bought these houses on a tract right next to the turnpike. Its could be am awesome place, the plots are huge, the houses are too, but the type of person to buy all that while trying to save a few pennies by buying it right next to the turnpike, well, I gotta say they do go mad listening to the drone, but they also have an innate, uh, um, quality (?) about them.

Everytime I work that stretch there is some guy that rolls up real quick to try to drag me to look at his tree right away like we have been great buddies all the time. Yer standing there soaking with sweat holding a chainsaw and these guys are trying to lure you into their beat-up Marcedes Benz and HELL, they might even have candy!

I did a job a few doors down from this oak, woman drove a white Rover, looked like a Kardashian, just big fat painted monster probably younger than me!

I think she might have tried to play me by saying we took the wrong tree down.

Well, ain't no deal to me, but there is another company in there now.
2 days of rain sure to put a kink in my plans.

It seems now that the tractor is OUT, Mt 55 IN.

I suppose I am kicking my self for selling my Dingo a few years ago. I knew I would.

I am just hoping to get something rolling and get back to work without to much more jerking off.

Got kinda screwed with this dead oak:

Actually climbed up to about the very top to set a rigging but saw it was decayed, the only thing I can do is blow that entire leader out and its going to hit the wire which the client WILL NOT take down.
So I explained it again while I pulled my ropes, put the fence halfway back up and left his stubborn ass on the phone to the power company which is where I told him to start days ago.
This guy don't seem it but he is a old time player. Plays the "nice card" while he stands back and watches to see how far a guy will go. I was like, " Yeah, what is it to you if I bring the wire down? You know you can turn yer back and still get the tree down like that but you will be the one getting paid."
I had played his game at first, and it was hard to do, but I kept my wit. I even charged more than " his guy" was going to. I could have taken down the tree no problem, just work it down. The client didn't really know that. But when I saw the decay up top there was no way I was taking any chances. The client didn't really know that either.

He had a good idea that the wire would be broke and I would pay for it. That was one of his strategies. He is selling the house, just needs the tree out CHEAP!

I am not upset about it, glad to be a player myself! Maybe the guy will get me a referral.

Not sure I would want it though. The whole area is filled with big exspensive trees and people just like this guy.
I'd go with a dingo before the bobcat. Just my humble opinion.

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I'd go with a dingo before the bobcat. Just my humble opinion.

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Don't say that!

I think they are both on par with each other.

MT 55 is bigger than my old 425 but Toro makes a bigger one too and they both make them well.

I was on the fence mainly between the tractor and a good Mini. I am actually settling for the Mini, the main reason is price and the fact that every time I went to the bank they were:
1. to busy for me to wait
2. confused
3. locked out of computer system
4. sometimes I would go in there, look around and just leave even if they were ready to help me.

Without having to deal with them I can activate one of the many no interest cards they send me in the mail , for 11k I can roll with the MT55 and then pay it down and switch it over to my standard 4% by autumn if I have to.

For the tractor its hoops balls and buckets to slip 25k in and out of our grand banking scheme. Last time I did that was one of the last times I actually walked into the bank: I go in for some quick teller work and all the sudden the whole thing stops and I am being swept away by the new recruits to " re-arrange" everything. It took hours plus I had to get my wife to come in... with the kid! And then it didn't work, yeah, computer glich, wife was like, " I told you" and then I got mad cause they really did screw up after I told them I would do it but only if it was " that simple". I guess they saved me some money in interest.

So **** it. This will be the first credit card I had in ten years.
Don't say that!

I think they are both on par with each other.

MT 55 is bigger than my old 425 but Toro makes a bigger one too and they both make them well.

I was on the fence mainly between the tractor and a good Mini. I am actually settling for the Mini, the main reason is price and the fact that every time I went to the bank they were:
1. to busy for me to wait
2. confused
3. locked out of computer system
4. sometimes I would go in there, look around and just leave even if they were ready to help me.

Without having to deal with them I can activate one of the many no interest cards they send me in the mail , for 11k I can roll with the MT55 and then pay it down and switch it over to my standard 4% by autumn if I have to.

For the tractor its hoops balls and buckets to slip 25k in and out of our grand banking scheme. Last time I did that was one of the last times I actually walked into the bank: I go in for some quick teller work and all the sudden the whole thing stops and I am being swept away by the new recruits to " re-arrange" everything. It took hours plus I had to get my wife to come in... with the kid! And then it didn't work, yeah, computer glich, wife was like, " I told you" and then I got mad cause they really did screw up after I told them I would do it but only if it was " that simple". I guess they saved me some money in interest.

So **** it. This will be the first credit card I had in ten years.

I just think toro has better attachments, easier less expensive to maintain... My 425 WT I bought for a song, and I love it. Would I like a bigger one? Maybe, but it also have a bobcat so they work well. I'm also looking into possibly rigging a weight rack on the back side cuz that hooker will way out lift it's tip cap.

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I just think toro has better attachments, easier less expensive to maintain... My 425 WT I bought for a song, and I love it. Would I like a bigger one? Maybe, but it also have a bobcat so they work well. I'm also looking into possibly rigging a weight rack on the back side cuz that hooker will way out lift it's tip cap.

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Better attachments as in quality? I think I can put whatever I want on either. Rental agency has both. I just use forks, bucket for general tree work.

I am just going to slip a plow into the multi purpose plate receiver and drag a swail for that lady.
I think the plate for a Bobcat is a standard plate that will fit most other's. I know Toro's plate is exclusive.
I was welding on my ramrod plate this morning made it so the forks are a lot more angled to carry wood up hills and such it never tilted back enough for my taste .... Now it does LOL
Bobcat sold Dingo's for years. Then they made their own mini. They continue to sell the Dingo. That says it all. Dingo with 5 pumps is the best imo. No lag in hyd travel to multi movements.
Mine is a single pump but it's the identical pump that is used on my bobcat for the bucket movements so it's good for all parts moving at that same time but I don't run a grapple just forks when I turn on that circuit it really drags the motor down
That thing is mental. I wouldn't waste my money on a 26hp stumper though. 38hp is the sweet spot. Still surprised at the size of the chassis though. It gives me movement actually

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Agreeing on 38 hp is the sweet spot in a small highly mobile grinder I considered the 38 Special for a bit but I think the overall value is in the dedicated grinder and not having the wood mover tied up. Looks like a nice unit tho but I think in the $13k range just for the attachment/engine.
Today I took a selfy. Just trying to be hip. Big old cotton wood.
well how bout this one. It's still kinda ducked up though. Spray tan an all..... And why is the pic fn sideways?grrrr
Went out for the first time since the wife's surgery, didnt start the job until after lunch, dead maple removal, get nailed twice by those damn bald face hornets. Man do those things have a hardon for me. Had about 20ft left of the trunk when the got me, tried to keep going........ until my blood turned to acid and I started shaking real bad. No swelling this time but it still made me sick. Had to stop, so freakin close to finishing, aasholes