whadja do today?

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Looks like a nice place. Why did they leave that hollow piece of schit standing for so long?

Neighbor's tree Zale. Boomed over the wall. We just did removals on 5 properties adjoining his over the property line and my client paid for all of them. There are about 5 other properties in addition to these adjoining his, and we have done work on all of them for my client and for the neighbors at various times. Big fish in a big pond if you know what I mean. Great people too.
I am not big on taking vids but here is the bball court (tennis court has same brand new surface past tennis shelter) and also interesting is the conversational tone that is clear as a bell because of the quality of the set and the noise cancelling. Not too fond of listening to him glug water but glad he is just the same.

What would you do?

Guy that works with me on weekends told me this from where he works;
guy files a complaint about his forman..
prior to the upcoming company "hearing" on the matter, the forman and the complaintant are working together with a third guy on a job.
at coffee time, forman tells the complaintant to get his own coffee if he wants some and drives away with the third guy to get their own coffee.

Complaintant deserves it and should have expected it having complained or the forman is out of line?

No, honest, it didn't happen to me.
Yawn. Yeah, I don't think film director is gonna be your second calling. Crane looks nice though..

I need a helmet mount with a remote and a better reproducing of sound. It is stupid to have to hold the cam to take it and then find a place to put it. I want one that records sound better too. Hard to justify the expense tho as recording vids is just pure ego anyhow. Give some money for them and make it worth it. But I like to see them so you owe to give some back, right Paul. The MDS have any in the future? Tomorrow I got a big ash over that carriage house behind the pine climbing with a subbed 35 tonner. That would be a little interesting. Some of the cams make it look like you are a thousand feet up which is phony. Brush and wood will fly completely out of the bball court to the driveway in a hurry with a 35 year exp. op and back in no time. The vids by oltirdy and the skinny match stick pines they always do were pretty good with time lapse but that is also a phony representation too and could never get the guy to give a huge pick in real time etc. 99% of the schit out there is garbage.
No pics or vids in the MDS's future. He just quietly goes about his business.

Actually, I am a little nervous about this decent sized piece of crap swamp maple growing ten feet off a house corner that I have to climb today. Thing is covered in shelf fungus, etc. No crane access, or any of that good stuff. Sigh. Just a day on the life. With any luck, the beers will be extra tasty today. Lol. Oh, well, off to pick up the workers...
Actually: If you go to a craft store maybe you can find a regular eraser in the same color as the ball court. I would think an eraser would pull the black rubber out of the surface and leave a little of its own color to mask over the black.

Probably be to clean it up with some dry hard bristle nylon cleaning brushes and a shop vac or just use a blower to disperse the tire particles.

Any type of liquid will spread the mess and discolor the court.
Sent Junior up a couple small spruce. I about had a heart attack when he accidently blipped the throttle going from his face cut to his back cut. I don't often get to watch other people climb. With seasoned guys its not so bad but with newbies its like watching yer children rollerskate in traffic.
Anyway, he came out with just a ripped open knuckle and a heavy sweat.
And UGH! I know I keep going on and on about tractors and loaders and how I am kicking myself for selling the Dingo and I don't even know what AND I still sit here and wait to for something to move these logs with! ****!

And what was that crap last year about me mowing grass!?? How come you people didn't even try to stop me?

I have poles standing all over town.

But things are still moving and more work is coming in.

******* Trooper Andy is a ******* trooper but its not like we go out all day. He is coming along, still learning how to work the buckets of gear. Working on his pulling technique the other day I looked up from a backcut and he is lurching the truck across the lawn with the door open then stopped mid pull. I was pulling a skinny bent thing that swung when he stopped, got caught up and caused me to about break my face stumbling around trying to cut it out.

I guess I will have to teach him to drive. I may not be a great big truck driver but am pretty surgical with a pick-up.

I think once we get the loader he will be a genius but still has to think about all the ins and outs and what has to be done.

The last two days we have been zipping out these bigger spruce leaning over a pool. He was all over it pretty well, didn't run my rope through the chipper which he was operating while running the lines.
I am trying to figure out what to charge a not much " less than Vet status" client for a few hours to slice 6 burning bushes from 12 feet to 3 feet then go around and lop each lead clean then take every out and away raked clean.

Her jaw is going to drop when I tell her 400. I could have went up there by myself and did it for 300 if you know what I mean. Having Andy along is expensive and it makes me work harder keeping him working.

Have another not much " less than Vet status" client I can't wait to say the same things to. I was just going to run over and do it while we were close yesterday but I din't tell him how much I wanted. I could have done it and maybe charged him 400 with out telling him but I want to charge more like 6. Considering the material for the cable and having to watch Andy flounce around in a couple zelkovas.

After pruning I might use Arbor Tie instead of 1/2 inch hollow braid Nerex. Its not like I won't be married to it cause I will be.

The one had a rip out like a Bradford. We cleaned the fallen limb and coated the rip on the trunk for now and are going to work on the two bigger ones which really aren't that big at all.
I suppose it a good idea for a guy to be ready to take down some ash trees around here. Ain't that right?
Seems legit....
