whadja do today?

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One year my wife forgot our anniversary and I remembered. I have a permanent "Get out of jail free card".

For some reason I always think its the day before the actual date. For 31 years I've done a pretty good job of remembering.
And mine is written on the inside of my ring ! Ya know the one I wear everyday ! WTF

Mine used to be on the inside of the ring. Wore the thing down to a thin wire now and the engraving is gone long time ago. Can't forget my anniversary. Married right before a big hurricane so the news always reminds me as they reminisce about the event.
Fingers getting ripped off and mangled.......haven't worn mine to work in probably close to 20 years. Last one I lost was about 15 years ago and didn't replace it.
way back on this guys property a bl. locust is falling apart. big limb broke and hungup in another tree, conks everywhere and you can see thru trunk. It is real wet to take the bucket cross country so I decide to climb it even tho a huge limb with mass conks at base and poor attachment looms way over inter property primaries. I can use the top to go out on the lead over the hots.

night before climbing, the whole top I am gonna tie into breaks out...no wind. I tell him we gonna have to wait til the yard hardens up for bucket, ain't worth my life for 15 hun (close but not quite). He goes apeschit as the wife is coming home in 2 days and she will go off on him, she wanted it done before she returns from trip.

ok I will board into the neighbor's yard where I have to swerve then the yard hardens up and in the way way back it is like pudding. Your call, see ya tomorrow.

do the job and a little boarding but damage is unavoidable. before hauling wood thru small drier part with mini, I tell gm hold off, gonna get the guy and see what blame he takes. Be ready to grab gear as we might walk off the job (done it before).

I get him and tell him we have to take a look at the back yard. I say I will fix the neighbor's and we get in the far back. he looks around and says lots of ruts. I say yes but you couldn't wait. He says can't you haul in some dirt. I say I think YOU should haul in some dirt, I am done. He thinks for a bit....says ok.

I proceed to haul the big logs with the dingo to the dump trailer.

that kinda schit usually don't work out that good for me. he was happy as schit with overall job and we left on great terms with full check.
Dingo hauling wood out Of the boarding areas , when I think of Vet this comes to mind reminds me when the yota was hijacked ......
guy is right in front of me hits a high spot in the road breaks hitch clean off the truck and the excavator plows through a pole that's holding up 24KN lines dirt and dust ...... Some sparks and out pops this Albert Einstein looking guy outta the truck wearing a Hawaiian shirt shorts and dockers , waving his hands at me because I stopped to gawk at his near perfect park job of the trailer ! LOL I laughed in his face ....
Had a couple decent jobs come in today. A day and a half or so job for one of my English teachers back in high school. He's like "what year did you graduate". I said I didn't and laughed out loud. Really cool, laid back guy.. always seemed it. Said he had heard good things about me. Kinda nice. The other one is five or six days for my nuns over at the conference center and retreat (what they call it). Gonna have to earn that one, but I figure the MDS can use all the good karma he can get. Lol. Not a bad day.
Every day seems like that to you. Must be because you're on salary?:)

Yeah salary, but that is why I have to work 60 hours a week, so that does not make it a beautiful day, it just is,,,,really,
I like my job, I like being out in the field with the guys and if you saw any pics of our jobs, you would see that it was a beautiful day.
Jeff ;)
Came home after bidding and found a coyote in my yard casing out our chickens. They were free ranging so we must have timed it just right. My dog was with me and went ballistic. I let him out and he chased the culprit away.

He's a good dog.
Yeah salary, but that is why I have to work 60 hours a week, so that does not make it a beautiful day, it just is,,,,really,
I like my job, I like being out in the field with the guys and if you saw any pics of our jobs, you would see that it was a beautiful day.
Jeff ;)

It would literally kill me to see guys going up trees all day and I couldn't.