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Pic from my beech job. Rolled in, set the parking brake, low oil pressure alarm come on. Bad injector o rings.
Nice shot though. Good work!
Its by the inch today the Co. prob made a few hundred but most days we pull 4k and we generally do about 200 trees a year for this town. One extra kicker we have is we grind and sell mulch I think we have a 50yard min order so we prob squeaked out another 500 bucks or more from the material from this tree

All of that type of work is on a scale I'll never work within! I've seen some bids here locally and can't comprehend how anybody is making money but I guess some are?
All of that type of work is on a scale I'll never work within! I've seen some bids here locally and can't comprehend how anybody is making money but I guess some are?
We have 3 villages 2 by the inch one is T&M but we make money in all three doing removals we trim for the one that is t&m.
we used to trim one by the inch, every tree over 10" on the block that was not a money maker more of a keep the guys busy in winter kinda thing. We are going to start trimming our third village this winter cause they are firing there forestry division cause they suck
Now we did loose an eab specific contract in one town cause there was a genius doing the work for 1/3 our price they also happen to be the ones grinding for 102 bucks a stump we r about 30 an inch for trees under 30" they are at 10 bucks
A lot of money in this town
those two houses r probably 475k and 550k for the one on the right

Saw an article today. For $4.89 milllion you can buy a 15,000 sq ft mansion in Beverly Hills or a castle in France OR a 3,300 sq ft tear down house in Vancouver. It's in a nice neighbourhood (about a block from where I grew up - my parents sold their house there in 1980 for $100,000), but nothing really special. Except you can tear it down, spend $800 building a McMansion and sell it for $9 million.

And society laments that young people can live in the neighbourhoods they grew up in. Not when there is Chinese money invading the area.

Well, off to look at a "big tree" to remove. See if the MDS charm still works with the cast.

Feeling a little green under the gills today. Last night was a little much for this old man. Definitely worth it.. just ouch.
Damn aluminum fenders stand no chance when them ******* blow out. Had to change mine last summer on the side of the highway, was on curb side but still a little unnerving when those fuckers are only 3 or 4 ft. away talking on the phone doing 70...
I think I can straighten that to an acceptable fender again . But yea that blowout was legit , I thought we got hit broadside the way the chipper was thrown into the other lane