Was on the road to the job by 7 am, seent a lot of people zipping around in little cars seemingly on their way to somewhere important. Is it always like that so early in the morning? What gives? I am missing something? I dunno but I am glad its always in the opposite direction I am going.
Had my friend the forest fighting logger come down to help me TD these two silvers. I like the guy but these loggers, dude, oof, I tell you, always with the pounding of the wedges and the cranking on the come-a -long on four inches of hinge. I think they sleep with their saws and axes. Finally , after wearing myself out cranking on that damn thing I say, " just cut a little more" and then it, well, then, and of course the ****ing thing will come over and it did. Where do they learn this obstinacy?
Started this morning with the client capping off a .38 round to get his caged shepherd to stop barking. Then he was off and running his Wild Thang under me all day. We were supposed to leave everything but around noon I went to get my chipper so the old coot wouldn't die.
Hit a horseshoe in the trunk of one of the silvers. Isn't that a thing? To toss a horseshoe in the V crotch of a silver in 1932? We noddled and dicked with it til it was a pile of dust, I was about to leave the ************ but that stubborn logger wouldn't stop.
Got out of there around 4 and it was the same damn thing all over again! Just a bunch of little car flying in the opposite direction I am going. Go figure. I am just glad they fixed the potholes so they stop swerving into my lane.