Most likely that is what will happen.
Damn near the entire northern part of the orchard has crown gall bacteria in the soil which can live for more than 4 years and can also be spread by the little critters underground. I told them to 'nuke it from orbit' (sterilize the soil) because it also has Bermuda grass, and that wasn't very well received.
As for chipping the trees, I think I'm just gonna burn them given the fact that there was fire blight on some of the trees in that area. I'm a total newb and as such I heavily lean on caution.
Here are just a few pics. As time goes on it and I learn more arboriculture becomes less of a 'get it back into production' and more of a crime scene, but this is an excellent case study of what NOT to do in an orchard; which you bet I'm taking notes.
I would love to meet the people who planted the orchard about 5+ years ago.