whadja do today?

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Went out to pick up logs today. Had to put some oil in the injector pump of the 7.3 because I drained it yesterday because I didn't plug it in. I drove all the way across town, got the mini started OK but even after an hour the throttle lockout would not budge. The guy who is supposed to carve this pole showed up and I was glad I got more for taking it down than he gets for carving... but not much more. He said he needed about ten feet of trunk and I was like, " so right there then?" He was like, " That's a lot more than ten feet!" and started dicking around with a ruler. 10'1". Yeah, like I said. So I drove back across town and started messing with the plows, found one that worked and came home where I started a fire and drinking til my kid got into my jerky and I had to beat her which didn't go according to plan after she landed one in the crotch and one in the spine. I laid there hollering while she kept at the bag of jerky laughing and taunting.

and yet you are calm enough to post,,you must have found therapy,,,
just so you know, you are making it very hard for us that love you and worry for you,
to actually set up a 'Go Fund Me' page for you when you totally lose it,,
Jeff :crazy2::)
The crew and I removed the dead central leaders of a 50+ ft Torrey Pine. The awesome part about it was one of the 4+ ft branches embedded itself through 1.25 inch of asphalt and into the ground itself. We tried pulling it out with a rigging line and a chip truck but ended up breaking the braids. Finally we used a mattock to chip away at the wood and filled up the hole with cold set asphalt.

Never thought I'd be doing road repair in this profession. :laugh:

Went out to pick up logs today. Had to put some oil in the injector pump of the 7.3 because I drained it yesterday because I didn't plug it in. I drove all the way across town, got the mini started OK but even after an hour the throttle lockout would not budge. The guy who is supposed to carve this pole showed up and I was glad I got more for taking it down than he gets for carving... but not much more. He said he needed about ten feet of trunk and I was like, " so right there then?" He was like, " That's a lot more than ten feet!" and started dicking around with a ruler. 10'1". Yeah, like I said. So I drove back across town and started messing with the plows, found one that worked and came home where I started a fire and drinking til my kid got into my jerky and I had to beat her which didn't go according to plan after she landed one in the crotch and one in the spine. I laid there hollering while she kept at the bag of jerky laughing and taunting.

Next time something of this magnitude happens record and YouTube it so that you don't have to rely on a 'Go Fund Me' page when you rake in the reality TV royalties.
The crew and I removed the dead central leaders of a 50+ ft Torrey Pine. The awesome part about it was one of the 4+ ft branches embedded itself through 1.25 inch of asphalt and into the ground itself. We tried pulling it out with a rigging line and a chip truck but ended up breaking the braids. Finally we used a mattock to chip away at the wood and filled up the hole with cold set asphalt.

Never thought I'd be doing road repair in this profession. :laugh:

Next time something of this magnitude happens record and YouTube it so that you don't have to rely on a 'Go Fund Me' page when you rake in the reality TV royalties.

Curious, removed dead central leader,but left the tree, a torrey,
interesting,,,,don't make sense,,
just to be clear with us in the USA, by ash, you mean euc, right?

Nah not a euc, like a golden ash, desert ash etc.
Today we removed three 80ft redgums, wright deducting on two more ash trees, back there tomorrow to remove a big dead euc in creek that's about 1300mm diameter and 4 big pines on a fence line and it's going to be 39c
I froze my butt off today.
Forgot to plug the vehicles and chipper in last night. Trucks took some time to start, chipper was real difficult. Was -15°C (5°F) this morning. The windchill was brutal today.
Must be getting soft with age.

-22C here yesterday morning.
These be desperate times! But nice scenery if that counts for anything.

and yet you are calm enough to post,,you must have found therapy,,,
just so you know, you are making it very hard for us that love you and worry for you,
to actually set up a 'Go Fund Me' page for you when you totally lose it,,
Jeff :crazy2::)

I am more worried about you at this point. I mean yer really talkative, more is coming out of yer mouth than usual, not yer standard one liners and such if you know what I mean. I'm sure you do. What gives? RUOK?
Drove back out to pick them logs up today. I fired the 55 on the first try and was blasting my heat gun on the throttle linkage and what I thought was the lockout switch but it was to no avail. I could drive the thing around a little and was pulling its trailer out from where I had stuck it about to give up when the throttle finally came alive. I loaded the logs, made the client moist with a couple candid remarks and my treeman swagger then got the Hell out of there before this whole world turn to complete and utter *****.

The steering shaft needs to be taken apart and lubed cause when you let go it still goes around in circles by itself. That can't be good but kind of fun to watch.

Supposed to get a few inches tonight and I am going to try to get another cord up to Peabody's sometime before the ***** storm. I built him a lean-to of " Live Free or Die" proportions so he could get at his wood. I drilled a couple 2x4's into the side of his house then drilled a bunch of 5/8ths holes in them to hold PVC tubes which arc into the ground. I stacked a few cords under there then threw a tarp over and anchored it by tying it to rocks. Its still there since last October. I am real proud of myself for that one. Poor old guy trying to chisel his firewood out from the ice, that's not good.

He gave a Mexican Strat awhile ago. I had to scrape the hardened mouse crap off of it and disinfect it but I got some Slinkies on it and have been making my wife think about a divorce beating the living crap out of Rush's " Working Man". My boy Peabody huh? He used to have a cat that shared the food bowl with the mice. He just don't give a **** but ******* if that drive ain't clear by daybreak.

Anyway, I have been trying to get on the gay sex line but it seems that Jeff is keeping the line busy.
Drove back out to pick them logs up today. I fired the 55 on the first try and was blasting my heat gun on the throttle linkage and what I thought was the lockout switch but it was to no avail. I could drive the thing around a little and was pulling its trailer out from where I had stuck it about to give up when the throttle finally came alive. I loaded the logs, made the client moist with a couple candid remarks and my treeman swagger then got the Hell out of there before this whole world turn to complete and utter *****.

The steering shaft needs to be taken apart and lubed cause when you let go it still goes around in circles by itself. That can't be good but kind of fun to watch.

Supposed to get a few inches tonight and I am going to try to get another cord up to Peabody's sometime before the ***** storm. I built him a lean-to of " Live Free or Die" proportions so he could get at his wood. I drilled a couple 2x4's into the side of his house then drilled a bunch of 5/8ths holes in them to hold PVC tubes which arc into the ground. I stacked a few cords under there then threw a tarp over and anchored it by tying it to rocks. Its still there since last October. I am real proud of myself for that one. Poor old guy trying to chisel his firewood out from the ice, that's not good.

He gave a Mexican Strat awhile ago. I had to scrape the hardened mouse crap off of it and disinfect it but I got some Slinkies on it and have been making my wife think about a divorce beating the living crap out of Rush's " Working Man". My boy Peabody huh? He used to have a cat that shared the food bowl with the mice. He just don't give a **** but ******* if that drive ain't clear by daybreak.

Anyway, I have been trying to get on the gay sex line but it seems that Jeff is keeping the line busy.

Well, I am hot,,,,,,
My mistake; it was a branch from a codominant Torrey Pine; left my brain at the yard yesterday :laugh:.

Here's a pic of it.

Torrey's really do not need much pruning, if any at all,
They should be monitored and pruning is usually end weight reduction,, too many look lion tailed and you can see the failure before it happens,,
Torrey's really do not need much pruning, if any at all,
They should be monitored and pruning is usually end weight reduction,, too many look lion tailed and you can see the failure before it happens,,

There was a lot of dead in this one thanks to the bark beetles (so I was told by some of the crew). The only pest I saw were termites, and the tree having to compete with development and several trees in close proximity. I really hope it recovers; I love those pines.

Finished cleaning the dead from the Torrey, then we removed and stumped a Liquidambar, then it was back to the yard for much needed saw maintenance. Pretty easy day.
Did a nice job today and scored some loot. Picked up a couple more small jobs to do whenever I can.

Got a bunch of ups shipments in today. The most awaited was a little monocular from Ben Meadows. I needed to add one to my gear kit for those times you need to KNOW where the tip in point is and how secure it is.