Went out to pick up logs today. Had to put some oil in the injector pump of the 7.3 because I drained it yesterday because I didn't plug it in. I drove all the way across town, got the mini started OK but even after an hour the throttle lockout would not budge. The guy who is supposed to carve this pole showed up and I was glad I got more for taking it down than he gets for carving... but not much more. He said he needed about ten feet of trunk and I was like, " so right there then?" He was like, " That's a lot more than ten feet!" and started dicking around with a ruler. 10'1". Yeah, like I said. So I drove back across town and started messing with the plows, found one that worked and came home where I started a fire and drinking til my kid got into my jerky and I had to beat her which didn't go according to plan after she landed one in the crotch and one in the spine. I laid there hollering while she kept at the bag of jerky laughing and taunting.
and yet you are calm enough to post,,you must have found therapy,,,
just so you know, you are making it very hard for us that love you and worry for you,
to actually set up a 'Go Fund Me' page for you when you totally lose it,,