whadja do today?

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Me too. Thought I was better...then relapse. Doc put me on second round of antibiotics today...this time cefdiner 300mg. I can already tell they are going to tear my stomach up. I haven't missed any work so far. Really hate to stay home in bed.

Eat a bunch of Jello. Unless Bill Cosby made it.
Me too. Thought I was better...then relapse. Doc put me on second round of antibiotics today...this time cefdiner 300mg. I can already tell they are going to tear my stomach up. I haven't missed any work so far. Really hate to stay home in bed.

I haven't been to the Doc. Usually takes 2-4 weeks to get an Appt. (VA). Been out since Sunday.

The hard to breathe, coughing, etc I can still work, but I also had the spins and massive failure of the liquid/solid seperator. Ruined a few undies.
For those interested in heavy duty grapple jaws for a BMG, I'll put together another set this week and then work up a price on them.

We did a decent sized crane job yesterday. 3 Hickory trees and 1 Cherry tree. It started snowing on me while I was up there.
I think return spring in the down/up pressure manifold of my little 90xp broke. Was on a job for a friend for a few days and he kept jamming whole trees in there with his big ass Bobcat when I noticed the slop in the control lever. I am thinking the spring is not actually in the "wet" part of the hydraulics, maybe I can match it from Napa.

It was anarchy working with this guy, I am glad we are all still alive. At one point we jammed the chipper with a log and we just picked it up and shook it loose. I never heard a chipper make that sort of noise before. And the smoke!? Well, it was something. After the job I went to swap the knives and one of them had a groove cut into its side, I have no idea.

When the job was done and I was hooking it back up to my truck I noticed the hitch pin was lost soes I just reached around and yanked one from my anus.

Hey! Anybody ever chip a 20 foot cabin cruiser?
Not a bad day, just not a good one. Started a new part of a ROW clearing so every property owner had to come out and no inspector to found. " how many trees are you cutting down? "
I reply " everything between the stakes"
" to hell you are!"
Me" why yes I am, read the deed to your house and see that there is a ROW 60' wide running through your back yard. This lease was purchased in 1958 and if you want to keep the contents of your shed you better get them out or be a bit nicer. You've been given 4 months notice on this which is 3 months more than I have. I've got ten more miles of this BS to do by the end of March!"

What a PITA. Of course it pays very well so I'll deal with it.
Have a gas right of way across my property. They came a couple of years ago to clear it. Walked back to see what they were doing. One worker saw me and just pointed at another guy (I assumed it was the crew leader). Went to talk to him and asked how much they were cutting. He got all defensive about how it's a right of way and they can cut to these parameters, etc. I stopped him and said is that all your cutting? Cut more if you want. He looked at me like I was from Jupiter. Probably doesn't happen to him very often. Opens up other opportunities for deer hunting.
Finally got my cdl (b) today. I went through one of those two weekend crash course "schools", like they send the Aspy guys to. I have to say, now I know why I put it off for so long, it was really quite terrible. Was quick though, I'll give it that. I think the whole thing took from feb 20th to today to actually get the licence in hand. I may be more burnt than I realize, but it really didn't seem all that easy. I do get kinda stressed about anything that relates to the dmv or my licence though, so that might have been part of it. Whatever, at least I passed.
Finally got my cdl (b) today. I went through one of those two weekend crash course "schools", like they send the Aspy guys to. I have to say, now I know why I put it off for so long, it was really quite terrible. Was quick though, I'll give it that. I think the whole thing took from feb 20th to today to actually get the licence in hand. I may be more burnt than I realize, but it really didn't seem all that easy. I do get kinda stressed about anything that relates to the dmv or my licence though, so that might have been part of it. Whatever, at least I passed.

Welcome to the .04 club. Be careful.
I drove one of the pickup trucks with a trailer out to the coast of Virginia to pick up a stump grinder on Monday, stopping twice to catch about an hour nap on the seat of the truck, got the grinder and stayed at a cheap motel for the night. It had more bugs than Windows 98, but I slept good. Came back the same way, stopping once for a 3 hour nap while waiting out a snowstorm. Didn't work, as it was still snowing when I woke up, and I had to put up with those brine solution trucks covering everything with salt water. But got back around noon on Thursday with myself, the truck, the trailer and the stump grinder all in one piece. No flats or issues, so I'm thankful for that. Jet lag is killing me. Just gets harder every year to do that much driving. I had bought a new chipper the previous week, and today I already got requests from friends and relatives to grind stumps and chip branches. They looked at me like I was a rich uncle who just wrote them out of the will, when I mentioned that I do actually have to make that machinery pay for itself, and pay for the gas, oil, grease and maintenance costs that they incur. Oh, well... I'll give 'em a big discount, but I ain't Santa and I actually do have to make a living.

Cleaned up the truck today, and tomorrow I gotta do the trailer and the grinder. Covered in salt and road grime. I had the foresight last year to buy a small pressure washer, because they're good enough to do the job... better than a garden hose, anyway. Still going to take some degreaser and detergent to get this stuff clean. There's always the quarter car wash if the little pressure washer doesn't cut it.

Remember when you actually got like 4 minutes per quarter at those places? Takes 5 quarters, now, just to get it to come on. I think you get 2.5 minutes for each additional dollar's worth of quarters!
I just can't wait for spring to get here already. I actually caught myself swearing and freaking out on the wood stove at one point today. That's a pretty good indicator that winter is getting long in the tooth to me.
Move south, it's spring their blooming some even almost complete