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"Take off some lower limbs on the pine"...so I told him it's a spruce, A couple minutes later he again referred to it as a pine. Funny thing is the guy is a really really smart dude (some kinda Doctor) who has millions of $$$. Sad thing is that a couple of trees I climbed to take a couple of limbs off (per the quotation) he decided later that same afternoon that he now wanted them gonzo. And, a few others, I ended up climbing twice to remove another limb or two.....even though they were there when I was working, and telling me which limbs they wanted lopped. Pruning work for better view of the lake.
Steep hillside, terribly hot day, nice people but very fussy. Hope the re-negotiated invoice is satisfactory, and justice prevails.
I did have luck with killing them ants but didn't get as much split as I would have if I hadn't been running around doing weird **** like a couple small jobs and working on equipment but I am all set up to crank it out.

Knock at the door last night had me fetching some kid's iguana from a Norway maple. It was fun, I parked under the tree, aimed the KC's up and went and got it. Ten minutes.

I was terrified when I saw that big lizard. I turned on my headlamp and there is was. 50 feet up, can't see nothing but something that looks like it would be on my face rending with it's talons before I could scream. I turned the lamp back off and sat there in the dark composing myself for a few minutes before I could turn it back on.

But it was cold and docile, kinda like it wanted to be stuffed in a duffle bag. I didn't have to snatch it but still had a good grip.

Now I am making a set of truck ramps. ****** started misfiring for a second and set a code. The throttle body was pretty dirty. The only fuel filter is in the gas tank I think.
I got to do plumbing and wiring at the old house we're fixing up for a shop. Had to cut a hole in the floor to gain access to the dungeon. It was horrible. But, it's ready to turn the water back on, city guy is coming by there later today.

EvilClownDungeon1.jpg EvilClownDungeon2.jpg EvilClownDungeon3.jpg

The weird, cackling laughter and screams of terror coming from down there are only a minor distraction.
I got to do plumbing and wiring at the old house we're fixing up for a shop. Had to cut a hole in the floor to gain access to the dungeon. It was horrible. But, it's ready to turn the water back on, city guy is coming by there later today.

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The weird, cackling laughter and screams of terror coming from down there are only a minor distraction.

I guess that is on par with the iguana.
So I went back to the place with the vodo spruce .... he wanted its twin on the other side of the house gonzo now .... no problem ..... I trimmed a few branches to clear the dish in the lawn set a ladder head up to put a pull line in I start getting sick to my stomach again. ...... come down out said *** off tree tensioned the line and dropped that whore ....... and it starts raining ..... dosent stop untill I have everything chipped up lawns all raked blocks are sitting there... I get home and it stops raining ..... dump the chips head back for the blocks .... nighbor shows up while I'm grinding the stump asked for the wood it was allreaddy loaded ..... I needed to disappear it anyhow so his lucky day he unloads it then started taking the convo went something like ... you don't live there do you your just cutting the trees right ... yup ..... did the guy that bought the place have to clean up the mess ? ..... uh what mess ..... old guy blew his brains out ...... oh don't know I would assume the realtor would higher a cleaner or something ..... well nobody sent a cleaner when my tenant blew his head off next door ...... oh that sucks ......I had to clean up that mess used a big old f in gun inconsiderate bastard ..... that's crazy ummm I gotta go now .... so I get home.and I'm telling g my oll lady about this and she's like..... is that the place just up from the old folks home ..... uhh yeah kinda why ...... well a few months ago some woman hung herself ........ no wonder my Spidey senses were going bonkers the place Is seriously jacked up theres some other kind of **** happening there I allreaddy told that guy that his roof was looking a little long in the tooth I dident have the heart to give him anymore bad news about the neighborhood all offing themselves and btw wtf is it with ppl putting the drip edge on top of the shingles wth is that
Just got lit up yet again. Had to pour 3 cans of beer into me. Doused the area with bug juice. Where is my 440?
Pretty good day, just hot,,
Our LA branch hired a new Op's Manager and he came down to San Diego to hang with me for the day. Tomorrow he is gonna hang with our Riverside branch.
Seems like a cool guy.
Weather has been hot here.
I shaved my beard off,,,yup, kept the stache tho,
My teenage girls are out of school for the summer and so the spending to keep them from being bored is on,,,,yup,
My brother called to tell me he can not find our Dad's ashes,,,,He has our Mom's, but Dad's is gone, don't know where.
He is supposed to send them to a graveyard in Lynn, Massachusetts,,,yup,,( we were all born there), but he thinks one of our brother's friend's might of took it because he liked the nice hand carved box the ashes were in and he probably dumped out my Dad somewhere and still has the cool box,,,
Doing a lot of big eucalyptus removals so I figured a good time to buy the guy's new chaps,,
Bought a new laptop 2 weeks ago,,17" HD ,,,really nice,, the wife will find out in a couple of day's, but she won't say anything because she is dealing with our bored teenager's,,
My finger look's great, like it never even happened,,
Kinda feels weird going to sleep with the daylight lasting so long, but I get up early, reminds me of when I was young and was punished with no dinner and in bed at 6pm,,
Looking forward to a long weekend to watch all my recording's,,
I do not understand why Stihl could not make the air filter for the 201TC the same as the 201T,,,,
ps,, I do not think my Dad cares where he is,,
Got into it yesterday with a lady over a $400 discrepancy on her bill. When I tried to show her everything was correct with the invoice in black and white she started yelling
she was calling the police and that we damaged a cat bed at another property she owns that we never worked at. Just when I thought she was regaining her composure she
came unhinged again and screamed "You owe me for a cat bed, a sprinkler head and the door you damaged on my grunk". Grunk...what's a grunk. That's what it sounded like. Grunk or maybe grunt.
Don't you love working for crazy people.

"Ma'am, you are acting crazy. You cannot scare me, and you will not beat me out of the bill for services you agreed to pay. Either you start behaving and pay my bill, or you will get to see what a crazy tree climber is like"

Big stare, then wait for her to shape up.
Knock at the door last night had me fetching some kid's iguana from a Norway maple. It was fun, I parked under the tree, aimed the KC's up and went and got it. Ten minutes.

I was terrified when I saw that big lizard. I turned on my headlamp and there is was. 50 feet up, can't see nothing but something that looks like it would be on my face rending with it's talons before I could scream. I turned the lamp back off and sat there in the dark composing myself for a few minutes before I could turn it back on.

But it was cold and docile, kinda like it wanted to be stuffed in a duffle bag. I didn't have to snatch it but still had a good grip.


I got a blue Macaw out of a tree for a lady once. It was quite the experience.

She assured me the Macaw wouldn't bite, and then gave me a butterfly net to catch the bird in. :laughing: I got the job done, and I must admit that it is one of my favorite tree-related memories. Who else can claim to have captured an escaped parrot in a tree?

I would be pleased to be given a shot at an iguana. I'll bet they aren't as hard to catch as a parrot.
The Dan has retrieved a parrot I believe.

I had a decent enough day playing groundie while giving another crew member some time aloft. Then I came home. Found out from another source that my most favorite company in the whole world has been sold. I've been so agitated that I couldn't even mow my lawn straight. Took the mini down to the wood pile and have been slinging logs around since.
"Take off some lower limbs on the pine"...so I told him it's a spruce, A couple minutes later he again referred to it as a pine. Funny thing is the guy is a really really smart dude (some kinda Doctor) who has millions of $$$. Sad thing is that a couple of trees I climbed to take a couple of limbs off (per the quotation) he decided later that same afternoon that he now wanted them gonzo. And, a few others, I ended up climbing twice to remove another limb or two.....even though they were there when I was working, and telling me which limbs they wanted lopped. Pruning work for better view of the lake.
Steep hillside, terribly hot day, nice people but very fussy. Hope the re-negotiated invoice is satisfactory, and justice prevails.

Wow so you worked for Uncle Ted I'm impressed :cool:
I dunno about yer Uncle Ted, but haven't gotten paid yet.
It grates a little bit, but pretty sure it will end up ok. Or not.
Found out from another source that my most favorite company in the whole world has been sold. I've been so agitated that I couldn't even mow my lawn straight.

Yeah, I didn't see that one coming either. Kinda depressing.