whadja do today?

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Fuel tank fell out of my truck today ..... *** I hate NY 3 ratchet straps later ...... its not making that noise thats kinda like a pinion berrings but only with a scraping to go with it that sounds like a trailer dragging from the safety chains
Not much. I drank 1/2 a can of Monster drink yesterday and it made me really sick. Still feeling it today. Feel like crap, no energy, borderline depressed.

I'm going to stick to normal drinks... ie... water.
Not much. I drank 1/2 a can of Monster drink yesterday and it made me really sick. Still feeling it today. Feel like crap, no energy, borderline depressed.

I'm going to stick to normal drinks... ie... water.

Its said that that stuff is made by satan himself. I have been known to throw a can back, I stay up all night sweating.
I drink the Monster Energy+Coffee ones... poor man's cocaine. Addictive as crack, too. Trying to cut back, though... makes you dream crazy sh*t, assuming you ever get to sleep.
I got to do an "in the news" tree today. We hired a crane and had the whole thing wrapped up in 3 hours, except for loading and hauling the logs. The lady borrowed $2500 from her sister, and had it transferred into my bank already, so I am happy about this job. :chop:

Story here: http://meredithaz.worldnow.com/story/32376760/giant-tree-crashes-down-on-2-homes-in-kansas-city

Other news reports; same story:
That is my white car in the foreground of the top video, but the KCTV news crew didn't have any interest in talking to me. I did get interviewed by channel 9; they gave me a whole 5 seconds of fame on TV. All three local news channels did a story on this one. No news crews showed up to tape us at work this morning, they only care about reporting destruction and mayhem.

Sorry, no pics of our work. We are generally busy working; we don't dawdle by fooling around with our phones.

All the news stations report "city officials are trying to see what caused the tree to fall." What balderdash! There were no city officials there, and the reason it fell were pretty obvious: all the roots were rotten, and nothing was anchoring it to the ground. Curiously, the main trunk was quite solid, and there was no evidence of decay for the first 15' of the trunk.

EDIT: KCTV5 did show up late in the afternoon; tree was gone except for the last couple of logs being loaded. One of my guys talked to them, he thinks that they mostly wanted him to admit that termites were the cause of the failure, which he wouldn't admit were any problem at all.
Termites... terrorists... people wearing funny hats... they have a pretty narrow interpretation of what is news. Arborists tend not to spread fear and panic in the populace, and therefore aren't newsworthy. So sad.
Termites... terrorists... people wearing funny hats... they have a pretty narrow interpretation of what is news. Arborists tend not to spread fear and panic in the populace, and therefore aren't newsworthy. So sad.

I know! Its the same old story - the ****** up tree that has been standing next to the house for 100 years finally falls on it. Whoop dee do!

Now PD? Hell, I linger on his every word.
Ain't nothing going on but the rent. I might have to advertise... or worse... like get a job.

I got busted shooting groundhogs at the horse farm today. At first I got out the .22 mag but heard some people so I got the .22 air. I missed the bastard cause somebody was twisting around with the scope the other day when we were shooting each with Roman Candles.

So this lady drives by, starts looking at me and slows down. I was shooting into an embankment, no chance of hitting anybody, she was behind me. I lower my weapon of mass destruction, smile and wave, she takes off like a bat out of hell. It was about seven thirty eastern so I sat down , drank a few more beers, listened to the silence then went to watch my kid get her ass handed to her at the softball game.

The owner of the farm called to asked if it was me with the gun, I said it was, she told me the lady was freaking out but to keep shooting the vermin as much as I can. No big deal , I can understand the lady's upset. Boy did I scare the hell out of her. She's probably on Facebook right now telling about how she saw a man in Crocs going on a shooting spree and voting.

The one end of the tennis court where I park my trucks is a tiered wall of dirt about 25-30 feet high and on top of it there is another 15 feet of bramble and trees. I sit at the other end while the hogs go across the lower levels of the tiers, its a ******* dream. You can't buy this sort of thing, if you could it would cost thousands.

But get this: I pulled some old jumps out of the trash heap and set them up. I got this horse chick that is gonna saddle me up on this horse ( I think his name is Diablo or some ****, I dunno) and I am gonna jump this ************.
Will you still be able to log onto the forums when you're in a body cast?

I'm gonna pull a " Chris Reeves" up in here. They are all like, " You should start slow" and I am like, " Hell, you should have seen my first day of tree work"

I figure I would make friends with this horse, feed him some carrots, rub his nose, ride around the ring a few times THEN...
I'm gonna pull a " Chris Reeves" up in here. They are all like, " You should start slow" and I am like, " Hell, you should have seen my first day of tree work"

I figure I would make friends with this horse, feed him some carrots, rub his nose, ride around the ring a few times THEN...

Please, Oh Please, have someone film
image.jpeg More fun with dead/dying ash trees. These ones are pushing 120' I'd say. Yeah, that's right *******,, The MDS is alive and kickin' some tree ass. Just in case there were any little snitch bag/wannabe arbor **** out there that were curious. Lol.:surprised3:
I got this horse chick that is gonna saddle me up on this horse ( I think his name is Diablo or some ****, I dunno) and I am gonna jump this ************.

Arnold's horse refused to jump in the movie "True Lies"...

It likewise might behoove (no pun intended) you to keep a death grip on the reins, just in case Diablo is likewise smarter than you.

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