whadja do today?

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It would have been partially in the street and neighbor's lawn if felled.

Ah,,I thought you said,,
There were no obstacles around the tree and it took us under two hours without the stump grind so the price seemed alright to me. We could have felled it but I had the bucket truck so I used it.
I guess that is why I am curious,
so, you are saying you could not fell it, right?
Ah,,I thought you said,,
There were no obstacles around the tree and it took us under two hours without the stump grind so the price seemed alright to me. We could have felled it but I had the bucket truck so I used it.
I guess that is why I am curious,
so, you are saying you could not fell it, right?
I don't think it would have been much of a problem, as no one drove by the whole time we were there (quiet suburban street). I didn't really consider the felling option much since we had the bucket and it needed to be cut up small anyway for the 12" chipper. With the bucket I can mostly toss the branches toward the chipper so they are quick for the groundie to feed in rather than trying to untangle the branches of a felled tree. Felling would have probably required installing a tag line, but I didn't look at the balance closely. Plus it looked like they wanted some entertainment with the heavy equipment.
dbl612, What would something like that pay in your area? That's on the low side for here depending on what is around the tree. I sold a maple removal last week for $550 including the stump but it's around a 14" tree. There's a fence on one side of it but otherwise wide open. Part of what you have to look at in different areas is cost of living. Here a nice 1800 sq ft house in a decent neighborhood on a 1/2 acre is usually around $140K to $160K for instance.
i would think around here it would be double that at least.
dbl612, What would something like that pay in your area? That's on the low side for here depending on what is around the tree. I sold a maple removal last week for $550 including the stump but it's around a 14" tree. There's a fence on one side of it but otherwise wide open. Part of what you have to look at in different areas is cost of living. Here a nice 1800 sq ft house in a decent neighborhood on a 1/2 acre is usually around $140K to $160K for instance.

Whereas around here, any single family house, on a 33' lot, that is more than 15 years old is considered a tear down and worth over 1 million.
We did a backyard crane job today. Oak tree mostly over two houses, etc.

It was a tight squeeze getting a 40 ton into the backyard.

I'm the one in the tree cutting off pieces.

Almost done. The crane laid over this whole log.

Where are you that you are in the shirt and shorts? Here the high today was 38*. Supposed to snow tomorrow.
That picture of the crane was backing into the backyard so we could set it up how we needed it. Here's where we set it up.

We have only broken a driveway once with a crane. It was a 120,000 lbs crane vs an already cracked driveway.
You need to cut back on those funny mushrooms on the breakfast pizza.

I had some chicken nest mushrooms the other day. I don't know the real name but I saw them on that show Filthy Riches. I saw some in the spring and they tasted good. The ones I saw yesterday were dried out.

The ones I have seen grow on maple roots.

I am moving in full bore at the horse farm: Wood shop, mechanic shop, a couple rooms in one of the houses to grow indoor bonsai and pot, etc.

I also kinda inherited a pretty big dump trailer ready to use.

Still got that ******* boat though.
Had such a pissy day. I tossed a full load of firewood on the dump truck the other day then it started to make noise. So far I have 17 dollars and couple hours messing with it and it sounds like something broke loose big time this time.

So I have been hauling wood to Peabody's a half cord at a time in my little mower trailer ALL ******* DAY! I think I got about 2.5 cords up there and stacked so far.

I would take the dump trailer but there is no room up at Peabody's for that unless we are going to work for real. Plus the dump trailer is filled with someone else's trash at the moment.

And of course the main road is shut down so the back road straight to Peabody's in overwrought with heavy traffic and the road is barely two lanes wide. I have been running the trailer off the side, wood bouncing out, axle dragging on the side of the road and burning gas, tires and oil cause I want to lay this wood in now.

Around 2 I starting drinking beers and hogging off with the 12 gauge and now have a headache.

Some day I will get my **** together.


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