Lots of little headaches.
Somewhere half that size in Melbourne is around $1,000,000+ depending on suburbdbl612, What would something like that pay in your area? That's on the low side for here depending on what is around the tree. I sold a maple removal last week for $550 including the stump but it's around a 14" tree. There's a fence on one side of it but otherwise wide open. Part of what you have to look at in different areas is cost of living. Here a nice 1800 sq ft house in a decent neighborhood on a 1/2 acre is usually around $140K to $160K for instance.
Felt my back starting to seize up last Friday so I took it easy and gave the guys Saturday off. By Sunday I was immobile.
This has been a good opportunity for my understudy to step up with bucket and climbing work. I set the guys up in the morning and head back to my house to lay on the wood floor with a heating pad.
Yeah, you're no spring chicken anymore yourself. Hope you're feeling better.
I know I pushed my poor old body pretty hard this year. Was holding up pretty good till this annoying elbow deal on the right. I think it's just tendonitis, or whatever. I'm hoping the winter slow down helps it. I did just get a brace, which seems to help some.
Then there's that deal where I fell off a ladder+tree putting up a new clothesline for mom. right shoulder has some issue now as well. Hopefully that goes away on its own too. You guys would've loved it, I ended up on the neighbors side of an 8' stockade fence, flomped down next to a dumpster. ****in ladders,, all the years up there and I fell in my mom's backyard! I know that's the way they say it happens, but I really figured they meant someone else,, not The MDS!! Grr..