Contractors, dude, contractors.
Be safe.
Contractors, dude, contractors.
The same way the rest of us do, one branch at a time.Seeing how you work by yourself, how does one take down a $10,000.00 tree?
Snowing a little here now. It sounds like we're gonna get 22" or so (supposedly). Kinda looks it out there. That's alright, winter can do its little thing, I saw the change in the sun melting the snow yesterday, despite the cold. April's coming.
Just finished a drug fueled 13 hour tour of cranking the rudder of the Power Wagon into and out of all manner of situations. Last push of the tour, up at Peabody's, broke a hydraulic line or something and that was that. Imagine the luck. But she is done! Mission complete!
It was a light deep snow but sleet on top made it tricky. You jam on the brake, give it gas and let off the brake enough to get moving but keep the wheels from spinning. Two footed driving. Truck got mud tires, it bucks like nuts when it breaks loose but if you do the traction control two footed thing you will make it. Got to lean hard on that brake to keep the wheels from spinning, real hard, it would surprise you, it works.
At the one place I got a couple beers out of the garage, I got some beers out of my office trailer, Sheila, Sheila Baby, the pants wearer of the Lesbians on Frog Hollow goes, " I have 3 questions: Am I going to have any lawn left after you're done? Where did you learn to drive like that? IPA or Lager?"
It wasn't so much the beers as it was everything else and it was smooth allright. None of that vein scraped feeling you get with some stuff. Sure, it keeps you going but you become a ghost rider, face gaunt, eyes blurred, shirt soaked with sweat, trying to catch the Devil's herd but ain't caught it yet. You know what I mean.
But none of that, just smooth like glass for the most part and the new road contract is going to bring in some tree work. All three client's have mentioned that they want to talk and some even have storm damage although the sleet was so cold it just bounced off of the trees and wires like ice cubes. A little warmer it would have layed and cause problems.
'F' it man, just quit working and find a publisher, I would buy a book of your rantings and raving's and tall tale's,,
That is a lot of punctuation mark's,, right?
But seriously, see a shrink,,
I bet I could nod for a couple hours and go back out but not only is the storm done so is the plow. I need a beer.
I got a pretty much like new john deere 3720 I got to get rid of. We bought a large wheel loader and its not getting used anymore if anyone is interested. around 400 hrs on tractor around 30hrs on pto. tractor was used to move stuff around the yard mainly nothing crazy. has deluxe cab with air ride seat ac, heat everything. looking for around 28k think it was around 44k new in 2014. tractor is 44hp turbo 4x4 locking differential. bought a Volvo l70 wheel loader with a 5 yard bucket cant see us using this again anytime soon.
Ok, here it is,
I have a lot of guys and this truck is great for hauling wood if needed. We can dump mulch free but we pay by the ton for wood,
2017 Ford F-550, 10' bed, all the bells and whistles,,
View attachment 565435
Nice looking truck Jeff. You get all the sweet toys.
Ass--! hahahaNice truck. Does it come with hitch pins?