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So were doing a lot of view cuts. Every one wants to see the ocean from their 10 million dollar house. There was a time i wouldn't do it. But im getting Cynical in my old age.
So im a block away from the client's house "reducing some trees", i have to keep running up the hill to check the veiw from the peoples deck. The house below our clients has an olive tree still blocking the shoreline. He says he had permission for us to trim it down.
It has like 4 long leaders sticking up. I decide to take out those leaders. Tree should look better. It'll be left with a nice rounded look.
I use my hand saw to cut the biggest, longest one. It falls to the ground. Then the front door opens and this crazed lady is screeming at me.
She wants to know why im cutting down this Historical olive, planted by the priests from the spanish mission 200 years ago. Oops.
She said i better have a good lawyer. She calls me an idiot. She said i was suppose to cut this little olive 50 ft away. Im thinking i really messed up.
I throw the homeowner above her under the bus. About this time the client shows up. He smooth talked her. Im explaning the trees not going to die. I show her what i want to do to it. She agrees. Missed the bullet. Felt i was being set up at first.
Looked like one of those ground hogs.

Yup... groundhog (woodchuck)... got one hanging out at the shop that's twice the size of that one. I thought it was a beaver until I got closer to it. We named him "Big Chuck".
The one at the house (in video) goes right up to the kennel and drives the dogs ballistic. First time I've seen one run up a tree, though. Climbs every bit as good as a squirrel.
So were doing a lot of view cuts. Every one wants to see the ocean from their 10 million dollar house. There was a time i wouldn't do it. But im getting Cynical in my old age.
So im a block away from the client's house "reducing some trees", i have to keep running up the hill to check the veiw from the peoples deck. The house below our clients has an olive tree still blocking the shoreline. He says he had permission for us to trim it down.
It has like 4 long leaders sticking up. I decide to take out those leaders. Tree should look better. It'll be left with a nice rounded look.
I use my hand saw to cut the biggest, longest one. It falls to the ground. Then the front door opens and this crazed lady is screeming at me.
She wants to know why im cutting down this Historical olive, planted by the priests from the spanish mission 200 years ago. Oops.
She said i better have a good lawyer. She calls me an idiot. She said i was suppose to cut this little olive 50 ft away. Im thinking i really messed up.
I throw the homeowner above her under the bus. About this time the client shows up. He smooth talked her. Im explaning the trees not going to die. I show her what i want to do to it. She agrees. Missed the bullet. Felt i was being set up at first.

See? Bad management. You were running up and down a hill to a deck!!?? I think maybe you just ought to calm down brother. What do you mean you were running up and down the hill to check the view? That sounds a little nuts. Why did you have to do that? Wasn't there someone to do that and save you all that running or are you crazy?

And I don't think you are as cynical as you might think, or as you should be because getting chased out da tree by a loon, well, that's something I would expect in this situation. I would need more than a homeowner's permission to touch anything not directly and obviously on his property which means, basically, in the yard. Any type of trees in the woods gonna need more than thorough speculation as to who owns what. Same with property lines if it is going to effect the neighbor.

But again, bad management and you are not the management.
In your reference, as well as in my normal uses, that's exactly the purpose. [emoji6]

I guess if I have to explain then I have to rewrite the line.

But here is the explanation to " ain't no song about a Hefty bag, bout killing mofo's with .44 mag"

God I hate Train! I hope Bon Scott comes back from the dead and kill them all.

Yup... groundhog (woodchuck)... got one hanging out at the shop that's twice the size of that one. I thought it was a beaver until I got closer to it. We named him "Big Chuck".
The one at the house (in video) goes right up to the kennel and drives the dogs ballistic. First time I've seen one run up a tree, though. Climbs every bit as good as a squirrel.

Fuckers will surprise you. I had one about to run under the mower but there were little horse ******* around and I didn't want to spray them with blood so I turned the mower. For a second I almost went for it.
Yup... groundhog (woodchuck)... got one hanging out at the shop that's twice the size of that one. I thought it was a beaver until I got closer to it. We named him "Big Chuck".
The one at the house (in video) goes right up to the kennel and drives the dogs ballistic. First time I've seen one run up a tree, though. Climbs every bit as good as a squirrel.

Today's Unlucky Groundhog.



They have been wreaking havoc on Grandma's gardens this season: this one won't anymore.
Today's Unlucky Groundhog.



They have been wreaking havoc on Grandma's gardens this season: this one won't anymore.

Aww! How cute! He's sleepin!

I think we have the same rifle, I had to get rid of the strap as it seemed overly complex. What is it supposed to do? Its got all these difficult adjustments, goes around in weird loops and buckles?
Aww! How cute! He's sleepin!

I think we have the same rifle, I had to get rid of the strap as it seemed overly complex. What is it supposed to do? Its got all these difficult adjustments, goes around in weird loops and buckles?

It was laying in the containment area beside the safe: I still don't know where it came From, or how it got there.

I don't adjust that one: it's purpose is to keep the 22mag on my shoulder when I'm walking. [emoji41]
Some people you just can't reach...

I know I am a nut, maybe have flung poo at people, choked the UPS guy, etc... BUT no one listens to reason. They all want to go around living in their weak paradigms because they DO know the truth and refuse to listen because it saves them from actually having to do very much work AND the source isn't dressed up like Donald Trump.

Its like: "Oh you don't have a million dollar suit, watch and plastic surgery!!? Obviously you wouldn't know anything then would you?"

But everybody needs something from somebody else and the games played to get it without wrecking your paradigms can go to extremes.

Take my wife:

No, take her, PLEASE!

Ok, **** you too.

But take her and her poison ivy: I just tell her scrub the Technu in real good with her hands a couple times a day and it will go away. She dabs it on with a rag telling me that's what the directions said. LIAR!!! Got you right there bitch.

So she refuses to do it my way and is going around taking Aveeno baths and buying hydrocortisone cream AND its getting worse.

I tell my kid that since her mother refuses to listen to her crazy husband she is going to end up very sick and in the hospital.

What!?? You didn't think I was the kind of father to lie to my kid?

How do I point out what righteous indignation is to an 11 year old? An 11 year old girl!!??

I'll take the poison ivy over the righteous indignation, least I can get rid of the poison ivy easily.

Of course I have been scrubbing my poison ivy with the Technu real good and its drying up just fine. Stupid ass woman just won't EVER listen to her crazy husband and I never put the kid in the ER like those chubby office workin ball coaches did!

Trying to teach my kid that it wasn't always normal for women to walk around with their tits pierced. That personality ain't character.
She hates me, probably WILL poison me, she just huffed out looking like a big red puffy lumpy pus bag on feet. She put a few Band-aids on the really nasty parts. Probably going out to buy more hydro cream!

Funny thing is:

I just went through this with the new tenant at the horse farm. She got all her homemade remedies that she swears are GREAT! She's ALL THE WAY SCREWED! Oh, it hurt to look at her.

Ya'll mofo's know how bad this can get. I don't need my wife dying, just shuttin up! Jesus! I beg you! PLEASE just this once let her listen to me!

She got the PI from helping the chubbsters at the ball field clean up the area. I know a lot of happy homeowners have PI now and have not even the remotest true solution. They will search the web for an app and they will choose from 6 different ways while saying, " If it doesn't clear up in a couple days...."

How do you not know how to easily, safely and effectively how to get rid of PI !!!????
I just plastered one of those little spotted wood peckers with a high powered air rifle in .22. He was banging on my house, I went out and chased him up on branch. Bad move for him. He was hopping around and sqwackin at me, I timed his next hop and glued him to a tree branch til he fell dead at my feet.
So were doing a lot of view cuts. Every one wants to see the ocean from their 10 million dollar house. There was a time i wouldn't do it. But im getting Cynical in my old age.
So im a block away from the client's house "reducing some trees", i have to keep running up the hill to check the veiw from the peoples deck. The house below our clients has an olive tree still blocking the shoreline. He says he had permission for us to trim it down.
It has like 4 long leaders sticking up. I decide to take out those leaders. Tree should look better. It'll be left with a nice rounded look.
I use my hand saw to cut the biggest, longest one. It falls to the ground. Then the front door opens and this crazed lady is screeming at me.
She wants to know why im cutting down this Historical olive, planted by the priests from the spanish mission 200 years ago. Oops.
She said i better have a good lawyer. She calls me an idiot. She said i was suppose to cut this little olive 50 ft away. Im thinking i really messed up.
I throw the homeowner above her under the bus. About this time the client shows up. He smooth talked her. Im explaning the trees not going to die. I show her what i want to do to it. She agrees. Missed the bullet. Felt i was being set up at first.
been there, big time
2ply Hefty bag of love? Somebody shoot this ayhole, I have the gun, he brought his own trash bags.
Some people you just can't reach...

I know I am a nut, maybe have flung poo at people, choked the UPS guy, etc... BUT no one listens to reason. They all want to go around living in their weak paradigms because they DO know the truth and refuse to listen because it saves them from actually having to do very much work AND the source isn't dressed up like Donald Trump.

Its like: "Oh you don't have a million dollar suit, watch and plastic surgery!!? Obviously you wouldn't know anything then would you?"

But everybody needs something from somebody else and the games played to get it without wrecking your paradigms can go to extremes.

Take my wife:

No, take her, PLEASE!

Ok, **** you too.

But take her and her poison ivy: I just tell her scrub the Technu in real good with her hands a couple times a day and it will go away. She dabs it on with a rag telling me that's what the directions said. LIAR!!! Got you right there *****.

So she refuses to do it my way and is going around taking Aveeno baths and buying hydrocortisone cream AND its getting worse.

I tell my kid that since her mother refuses to listen to her crazy husband she is going to end up very sick and in the hospital.

What!?? You didn't think I was the kind of father to lie to my kid?

How do I point out what righteous indignation is to an 11 year old? An 11 year old girl!!??

I'll take the poison ivy over the righteous indignation, least I can get rid of the poison ivy easily.

Of course I have been scrubbing my poison ivy with the Technu real good and its drying up just fine. Stupid ass woman just won't EVER listen to her crazy husband and I never put the kid in the ER like those chubby office workin ball coaches did!

Trying to teach my kid that it wasn't always normal for women to walk around with their tits pierced. That personality ain't character.
She hates me, probably WILL poison me, she just huffed out looking like a big red puffy lumpy pus bag on feet. She put a few Band-aids on the really nasty parts. Probably going out to buy more hydro cream!

Funny thing is:

I just went through this with the new tenant at the horse farm. She got all her homemade remedies that she swears are GREAT! She's ALL THE WAY SCREWED! Oh, it hurt to look at her.

Ya'll mofo's know how bad this can get. I don't need my wife dying, just shuttin up! Jesus! I beg you! PLEASE just this once let her listen to me!

She got the PI from helping the chubbsters at the ball field clean up the area. I know a lot of happy homeowners have PI now and have not even the remotest true solution. They will search the web for an app and they will choose from 6 different ways while saying, " If it doesn't clear up in a couple days...."

How do you not know how to easily, safely and effectively how to get rid of PI !!!????

The shop didn't have one so this is the tremolo bar, I made out of a bathroom sink stopper puller/pusher upper, for the Mexican Standard Stratocaster Peabody gave me. Its just a little loose but it was close enough to right diameter to thread and came in chrome. I suppose the knob will have to go, but I am enjoying its vulgar simplicity for a time.
The shop didn't have one so this is the tremolo bar, I made out of a bathroom sink stopper puller/pusher upper, for the Mexican Standard Stratocaster Peabody gave me. Its just a little loose but it was close enough to right diameter to thread and came in chrome. I suppose the knob will have to go, but I am enjoying its vulgar simplicity for a time.

So show us something,,,,
So show us something,,,,

Its not like I need prodding.

I have to rent a small car to drive to NYC to I don't know where and never even been to a city that big to a studio. My trucks are too big to park there and my little Toyota truck still needs tires... and the hunting stand in the bed taken off, and the fender put back on.

Planning for mid-July. Don't worry, I'm a badass across the board soes a little guitar should only be expected.

Dude with the bowtie is from Animal House
Its not like I need prodding.

I have to rent a small car to drive to NYC to I don't know where and never even been to a city that big to a studio. My trucks are too big to park there and my little Toyota truck still needs tires... and the hunting stand in the bed taken off, and the fender put back on.

Planning for mid-July. Don't worry, I'm a badass across the board soes a little guitar should only be expected.

Dude with the bowtie is from Animal House

I'm more into dis lol
Its not like I need prodding.

I have to rent a small car to drive to NYC to I don't know where and never even been to a city that big to a studio. My trucks are too big to park there and my little Toyota truck still needs tires... and the hunting stand in the bed taken off, and the fender put back on.

Planning for mid-July. Don't worry, I'm a badass across the board soes a little guitar should only be expected.

Dude with the bowtie is from Animal House
