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Fortunately they weren't too bad around here in south Jersey this year. Many towns sprayed stuff from the air that really seemed to work. So many trees died about 7-10 years ago from them. I personally lost at least 5 big oaks. They are a cyclical thing aren't they? I heard something like they only come around every 5 years or something?

I was in Jersey in the mid 70's when the first Gypsy moth hit and they tore up entire woods. I hired a helicopter to spray a woods on a horse farm estate I cared for. But also spraying was more lax then and if you had a sprayer that hit over a hundred feet you could easily come home with a couple thousand dollars in a wad of checks in your pocket every day. They are easily detected in the off season by tan cottony egg masses on the underside of oaks about the size of your thumb.
I am on my 2nd Sure Trac, first one stolen. Gotta keep an eye on it after seeing that. My new one is 3 yrs. old but since I bought a 11 foot one ton f 350 4x4 dump it rarely goes out it is so much easier. Moron help last week must have backed up with it in the dump and hit the brakes (no need for that as it dumps so steep) then hit the gas and the tail gate support broke and then the gate jammed on the concrete bending the schit outta the hinge....bammm $200. repair. If he wasn't such a good climber I would have kicked him down the road months ago...big pita...here is a pict of him in action....

View attachment 675504

Dave, jack up your trailer and check those shackles. All of mine were ready to break. The parts are almost nothing but they apparently are a wear item on this make of trailer.
Could you make them thicker and use longer bolts? Or make ones that have more meat on the ends or would that interfere with other components?

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The new shackles are a smidge thicker but it’s just a garbage design. Even the guy at the dealership told my worker they are set up ******.
Well, smh moment.. replaced the throttle cable on my Carlton 4012 and low and behold the old cable was topping out at 75% power. This whole time I’ve had that grinder I’ve been underutilizing it. Changed all the front teeth, fixed a 201tc, swept the floor and had myself a seltzer.
So, for anyone interested, the transition is about complete, such a relief, :cool:
Being a part of this change has been and I'm sure will continue to be such an awesome experience,

So you have a vagina now? Little Jeff breasts? How have they been making out with all the hair? Congratulations, buddy!!:happybanana::laugh:
The ole Mack is getting a little paint. It runs and operates just like new. Still to do the wheels, bumper etc in black and signs. This truck is a big tough bruiser. Top is removable in 3 sections. BC 2000 is all sanded and ready to paint next. That is sleepy's pickup in the background. He totalled his previous pickup and it looked worse than this one before he wrecked it. Probably texting, I pulled him out of the bushes and ditch. Kids.....KIMG0582.JPG KIMG0583.JPG KIMG0587 (1).JPG

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