Fortunately they weren't too bad around here in south Jersey this year. Many towns sprayed stuff from the air that really seemed to work. So many trees died about 7-10 years ago from them. I personally lost at least 5 big oaks. They are a cyclical thing aren't they? I heard something like they only come around every 5 years or something?
I was in Jersey in the mid 70's when the first Gypsy moth hit and they tore up entire woods. I hired a helicopter to spray a woods on a horse farm estate I cared for. But also spraying was more lax then and if you had a sprayer that hit over a hundred feet you could easily come home with a couple thousand dollars in a wad of checks in your pocket every day. They are easily detected in the off season by tan cottony egg masses on the underside of oaks about the size of your thumb.