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Damn. Man, sorry to see that!! One of my biggest equipment related fears. I wonder wtf that thing was?

That’s definitely a concern with these bigger chippers being able to chip entire trunks/logs. Sometimes if a tree looks funky I’ll run my saw up and down it length wise to at least say I gave it my best effort. Sometimes I’ll just skip chipping even 12” stuff if it looks sketchy. I always feel like everybody is due eventually and it’s inevitable, though. Just a nasty part of the business. Poor chippers!

Let us know how that goes money wise if you can. I’ve heard horror stories, but don’t even wanna go there. I suppose it’d be nice to know though.
Worst part is, we just had that drum rebuilt about two years ago, had some cracked welds in it, and resurfaced the knife pockets, put new bearings on drum and handful of other stuff in the process. Had roughly $7k into that, not counting labor we did ourselves. If I remember right, a brand new drum from bandit was almost 8k alone.
No idea what that chunk of metal was. Last couple feet of trunk was too big to chip, so I cut in three slabs about 8" each, very last one had that right in the middle.
Already been talking to local bandit dealer last couple weeks about getting a new 19xpc. So much for trading this in on it.....
I had this guy follow me home. We already have one of these but having a spare is better, right? This crane barely fit on this trailer. It's been sitting for about 5 years and needed some work when it was parked. Hopefully after a few repairs we'll be able to put this one into service as well.
looks like a clean tms300. detroit or cummins?

2019-12-04_07-49-41 by Griffin93, on Flickr

2019-12-04_07-50-54 by Griffin93, on Flickr

2019-12-04_07-50-14 by Griffin93, on Flickr
Cummins. Both of mine are Cummins. 14L non turbo. At some point in probably going to swap in an ntc350 or ntc400 with the appropriate transmission.
Every year around this time I realize I can’t take my bucket on the snow then spring comes and i mysteriously forget. We shoveled a path for the truck into a back yard the other day and by the time I got to cutting I was pooped. We then got stuck in the level driveway because people don’t shovel or plow when they can just drive over it and pack the snow into ice.
That lift is becoming more and more appealing
Every year around this time I realize I can’t take my bucket on the snow then spring comes and i mysteriously forget. We shoveled a path for the truck into a back yard the other day and by the time I got to cutting I was pooped. We then got stuck in the level driveway because people don’t shovel or plow when they can just drive over it and pack the snow into ice.
That lift is becoming more and more appealing

Yeah, it did good in the snow (on level ground). That was its first snow, so we’ll see how the rest of it goes. I know I’m gonna seriously be careful before even considering any sort of hill.

The learning curve/ integration of all this new equipment has been stressful at times (putting it mildly lol). I feel pretty confident now with the experience I’ve gained with the lift and Giant this year. Now I’m ready to just go out and make some money for a few years.
Speaking of the learning curve, I just finally got together all the new roof panels for the Giant. I’m looking forward to shoveling some dirt over that bit of unpleasantness. Lol.
Back to EAB patrol. Needed something to keep warm today. It didn’t work,,not by a long shot.

F’n forgot to clip by chin strap with my liner on and off went the whole deal. Broke the mic on my mint tufftalk lite. Grr. Not the best day, but could be worse, so shouldn’t complain.

New kid is doing good anyway. Been having him drive the ram with the big chipper so far.
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Nice! You're still at it how you liking that new chipper?
What’s up, man!!? How you been?

I love that chipper (so far anyway)! Got 506 hours on it now (just did knives and oil, so I noted it) and no major issues. Thing is a total beast.
I’ve been killing it this year! EAB is at its peak around here so lots of work. My little 12” chipper is getting too small so I’m Demoing this bad boy. It’s a gasser though, got a crane job I’m going to put it to the test.

Good still see you kicking it!! Love the new additions to your setup!
I was happy I didn’t have to deal with this metal-riddled log.

View attachment 779038
I’ve been killing it this year! EAB is at its peak around here so lots of work. My little 12” chipper is getting too small so I’m Demoing this bad boy. It’s a gasser though, got a crane job I’m going to put it to the test.

Good still see you kicking it!! Love the new additions to your setup!

Thanks. Yeah, I don’t know if I’d let them talk me into a gas jobber. The impression I got was that they don’t really make much on the Diesel engines, and they just try and sell guys on the gas cuz it’s a lot cheaper and easier to make a sale. That and the under CDL thing with the gas. It’s still no diesel, no way. The feed system on those things is mind boggling, though! I got mine with the welded gate and the bumper things that make machine feeding easier (forget what they call them). I do have to have a guy keep an eye out backing into a steep driveway, but it’s not too bad and worth it in my opinion.

Glad to hear you’re doing well too! EAB is in full swing here as well. I think some people think I’m crazy for buying all this new stuff, but with all the dead trees around, I figure is there ever gonna be a better time to try and get a little somewhere? Like Jerry said “sometimes the cards aren’t worth it to have, if you don’t lay em down”.:laugh:
I jumped on the opportunity to grease the bucket today. It’s been over the two month interval time wise, but we haven’t been using it nearly as much since I got the lift. Definitely wanted to catch it before the real evil of winter sets in. I figured with it being warm yesterday and like 55 today, even though it was raining, it was the last prime opportunity for the grease to flow nicely with the cold coming back tonight. Was a good call. Things went well despite the usual profanity laced ************* and grease flying everywhere. Lol, kinda par for the course with that project. I am getting a little better at it though, but that elevator is still just a pita.
View attachment 779038
I’ve been killing it this year! EAB is at its peak around here so lots of work. My little 12” chipper is getting too small so I’m Demoing this bad boy. It’s a gasser though, got a crane job I’m going to put it to the test.

Good still see you kicking it!! Love the new additions to your setup!
Get the best used diesel you can and call it a day
Thanks. Yeah, I don’t know if I’d let them talk me into a gas jobber. The impression I got was that they don’t really make much on the Diesel engines, and they just try and sell guys on the gas cuz it’s a lot cheaper and easier to make a sale. That and the under CDL thing with the gas. It’s still no diesel, no way. The feed system on those things is mind boggling, though! I got mine with the welded gate and the bumper things that make machine feeding easier (forget what they call them). I do have to have a guy keep an eye out backing into a steep driveway, but it’s not too bad and worth it in my opinion.

Glad to hear you’re doing well too! EAB is in full swing here as well. I think some people think I’m crazy for buying all this new stuff, but with all the dead trees around, I figure is there ever gonna be a better time to try and get a little somewhere? Like Jerry said “sometimes the cards aren’t worth it to have, if you don’t lay em down”.:laugh:
View attachment 779117
Is that a Tier 4 final? My salesman keeps telling me these diesels are constantly throwing codes and shutting down do to the emissions. I have a tier 4 in my DW 1050 mini and haven't had one issue with it. Im not at all sold on a gas engine but I don't mind beating up the demo a little and that infeed table is must on a machine like this.

Jerry was a smart man in some aspects:laugh:
Tier 4 final. Your salesman is full of ****. I have had one issue with mine to speak of and it was just a code that Deere was concerned with when I called about it. Something was causing it to run rough at idle. I didn’t even notice. I can find out exactly and get back to you. It’s in the shop now (coincidentally) but it’s just a cold leak in the coolant system that got worse (hopefully). I think it’s just a hose on the coolant return, but I’d have to take the whole hood off to get at it and it’s under warranty, so I just dumped it off for Deere to deal with (still have my 250).

My bucket has all that crap too and no issues (other than fuel filters plugging from bad fuel when I first got it) in almost 1000 pto hours.

I can’t speak for cat, but that has been my experience so far with the Deere and Cummins in the bucket. Like I said, salesman always have their own agenda. I never just buy whatever they have handy. Lol