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We been keeping real busy too with only 1 dusting of snow all winter and I am glad as I hate plowing. Did a little mod on PJ (Puddle Jumper), put my removable lowering device on, modded the stair to bucket to get more bed space, bought a scale good to 10k and can take weight twice that. If it works out I will probably buy the 20k one. It has a remote hand held bought seperately. Bought some nice rigger boards for the crano, just had a bunch of work done on the one ton (20' F800 in picture)...Finished a bunch of nice smaller jobs and now back to finish the last third of a 35k job. I am old as fk but still just really enjoying it all. Got a great gm which helps a lot. Spring not far off. Cheers all.1526915_852057438157044_177925093_n.jpg
Do you sell log lengths? And have you considered a grapple log truck?

No, I don’t sell log lengths like that. I mean I could’ve with that beautiful load, but didn’t have anyone set up. I ended up trying a place on the way to the dump and they took em for free. Better than paying. There was probably close to four cords in there too. Shame not to be making something off it, but oh well. The reality is it’s waste wood at this point. Piles of Ash logs all over.

I like grapple trucks. The tri-axle ones that dump with the big Cummins and Allison seem like they be just the thing. Just dreaming for now anyway though.

On that thought, I was wondering if you guys think a non dumping rear mount would be better suited for residential work, since you could back into driveways to load, etc.? ..... having a huge dump truck is kind of addictive once you’ve owned one, though...:baba:
No, I don’t sell log lengths like that. I mean I could’ve with that beautiful load, but didn’t have anyone set up. I ended up trying a place on the way to the dump and they took em for free. Better than paying. There was probably close to four cords in there too. Shame not to be making something off it, but oh well. The reality is it’s waste wood at this point. Piles of Ash logs all over.

I like grapple trucks. The tri-axle ones that dump with the big Cummins and Allison seem like they be just the thing. Just dreaming for now anyway though.

On that thought, I was wondering if you guys think a non dumping rear mount would be better suited for residential work, since you could back into driveways to load, etc.? ..... having a huge dump truck is kind of addictive once you’ve owned one, though...:baba:

Having a setup like Southbury tree has with the tri-axle mid mount grapple is pretty sweet. He loads logs when he needs to and chips into it with his whole tree chipper or the 19" vermeer, and has the capability to dump obviously. That being said it's a lot of truck, and there's not enough guys willing to do tree work around here worth their salt with a cdl.

As long as Ronnie is in business and is so reasonable why take on the expense?
No, I don’t sell log lengths like that. I mean I could’ve with that beautiful load, but didn’t have anyone set up. I ended up trying a place on the way to the dump and they took em for free. Better than paying. There was probably close to four cords in there too. Shame not to be making something off it, but oh well. The reality is it’s waste wood at this point. Piles of Ash logs all over.

I like grapple trucks. The tri-axle ones that dump with the big Cummins and Allison seem like they be just the thing. Just dreaming for now anyway though.

On that thought, I was wondering if you guys think a non dumping rear mount would be better suited for residential work, since you could back into driveways to load, etc.? ..... having a huge dump truck is kind of addictive once you’ve owned one, though...:baba:
We run a rear mount tandem axle truck. I'd recommend it any day.

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We had a rather unpleasant experience two days ago. Subbed a 33 ton for the day and lined up two jobs. The first went flawlessly and got to the second where it was a 38” metal-ridden, nasty black walnut. The ho set up with his neighbor so we could plywood the crane on his neighbor’s front yard. I had previously given a quote for his neighbor for a rotten 24” sycamore and he said “too much”. I think i said $650 with the crane at the same time.
We set up and the neighbor asks if he can bring some brush and small pieces of wood for us to chip and I say “ok but no roots or dirt”. Start taking big picks because we had a real nice, big landing area and I’m about 3 pick into this walnut when the same douchbag neighbor comes up while I’m in the tree and tells me I’m gonna remove that walnut and a bunch of brush in his back yard for $300. I’m like “no”. He throws a fit and starts swearing telling me “you got that crane already set up it will take you no time, I can throw you off my property if I want”. I think carefully about the consequences of coming down and punching him in his weaselly face. I tell him I’ll do the tree for $400 and no brush because I don’t have time for that garbage.
We finish the job and leave the place immaculate. Here’s a pic of the second to last pick of that garbage sycamore.
We had a rather unpleasant experience two days ago. Subbed a 33 ton for the day and lined up two jobs. The first went flawlessly and got to the second where it was a 38” metal-ridden, nasty black walnut. The ho set up with his neighbor so we could plywood the crane on his neighbor’s front yard. I had previously given a quote for his neighbor for a rotten 24” sycamore and he said “too much”. I think i said $650 with the crane at the same time.
We set up and the neighbor asks if he can bring some brush and small pieces of wood for us to chip and I say “ok but no roots or dirt”. Start taking big picks because we had a real nice, big landing area and I’m about 3 pick into this walnut when the same douchbag neighbor comes up while I’m in the tree and tells me I’m gonna remove that walnut and a bunch of brush in his back yard for $300. I’m like “no”. He throws a fit and starts swearing telling me “you got that crane already set up it will take you no time, I can throw you off my property if I want”. I think carefully about the consequences of coming down and punching him in his weaselly face. I tell him I’ll do the tree for $400 and no brush because I don’t have time for that garbage.
We finish the job and leave the place immaculate. Here’s a pic of the second to last pick of that garbage sycamore.

Good for you for keeping a cool head. The desire to do damage must have been strong!
Having a setup like Southbury tree has with the tri-axle mid mount grapple is pretty sweet. He loads logs when he needs to and chips into it with his whole tree chipper or the 19" vermeer, and has the capability to dump obviously. That being said it's a lot of truck, and there's not enough guys willing to do tree work around here worth their salt with a cdl.

As long as Ronnie is in business and is so reasonable why take on the expense?

I’ve seen the Jmac setups like Ben has. Does seem like it would solve some issues (less trucks needed, etc), but at the same time there’s gotta be some sacrifices there. I watched their videos where the tailgate is dragging the chips out behind the truck while dumping. That and if you put small chunks in the front and went to dump, obviously they’d hit the loader. So if that’s case you’re back to offloading with the truck anyway. I don’t know if I like those trucks enough to spend that kind of dough on one.

I don’t really have any troubles dealing with wood now. I love my wood truck for what it is. It’s just that I know it’s not going to last forever, so thinking ahead.

The Ronnie thing just seems so 25 years ago. I think I stopped using him when I got my first tractor (maybe used him twice in the last 20 years). Plus I work till 7:00 or 8:00 sometimes and love driving, so the log truck sounds like a good fit. Would definitely need the work lights option. Lol
I wish I had pics of the truck but I dont at the moment. The body on it is 22 or 23 feet long 8 foot wide give or take a few inches then we have solid sides for 2 feet then 3 foot stakes above that works pretty good for longer logs if you have shorties you need to plan ahead and save anything of length for the edges. Adding solid sides all the way up would be nice tho, But adds weight. If you have a ton of short pieces (firewood) it can be a painful experience to the mind but normally I can offload in 15 mins. A normal load with 4 to 8 foot logs is done in 5 mins.
Our truck may not be one of those 50+ yard monsters but it makes it more places that have low trees and if you load it nice you are normally pretty close to weight so that is part of our idiot proofing system. Dont give us a truck we can overload.

I'm not sure how your disposal situation is out there but if you can dump brush free, I'm doubtful, I've seen those nice piles you make for the loader to move those go right In the grapple logs on top and you dont even need a chipper!

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
We had a rather unpleasant experience two days ago. Subbed a 33 ton for the day and lined up two jobs. The first went flawlessly and got to the second where it was a 38” metal-ridden, nasty black walnut. The ho set up with his neighbor so we could plywood the crane on his neighbor’s front yard. I had previously given a quote for his neighbor for a rotten 24” sycamore and he said “too much”. I think i said $650 with the crane at the same time.
We set up and the neighbor asks if he can bring some brush and small pieces of wood for us to chip and I say “ok but no roots or dirt”. Start taking big picks because we had a real nice, big landing area and I’m about 3 pick into this walnut when the same douchbag neighbor comes up while I’m in the tree and tells me I’m gonna remove that walnut and a bunch of brush in his back yard for $300. I’m like “no”. He throws a fit and starts swearing telling me “you got that crane already set up it will take you no time, I can throw you off my property if I want”. I think carefully about the consequences of coming down and punching him in his weaselly face. I tell him I’ll do the tree for $400 and no brush because I don’t have time for that garbage.
We finish the job and leave the place immaculate. Here’s a pic of the second to last pick of that garbage sycamore.

Him trying to take advantage of the situation, saying he could throw you off his land after he had agreed for neighbor job would have been hard for me to handle. The urge to come down and ....
Hats off to you for keeping your cool, as business men we cannot always do what we want...
Feuding neighbors are generally the worst. They are just looking for a payback and the treeman can be the way to get back at them. I removed a huge dead tree I priced to use the neighbor's driveway and had no idea until I got there they were at odds. The removal was completely to the neighbor's advantage being all over their roof.

I took my crane right up in the HO's yard for payback for not telling me this and then I nailed the neighbor in the local Nextdoor forum for being a dick (**** in this case). Got a lot of experience in zinging people on forums (wink) and as usual I am good for a week, a month or however long they want to play it out. PB is a MF.
Loader/log trucks are great but it is real hard to find a dump around here that will take that much debris at one time especially big wood.
Loader/log trucks are great but it is real hard to find a dump around here that will take that much debris at one time especially big wood.

What do you think about the rear mount can’t dump / behind cab mount dumping thing. Knowing I have the giant and tractor too if needed. I hear the behind cab ones ride better and less stress on frame, etc. The extra reach is obviously sweet with a rear mount though. I just like the thought of having a huge triaxle dump with a Z fold boom tucked behind the cab. Lol.. just dreaming anyway though.
Pretty busy day for my day off.

1. Installed a new carb on my dad's Stihl trimmer.
2. Rebuilt carb in my dad's Husqvarna trimmer and cleaned spark arrestor.
3. Sharpened chain on my grandpas 041av
4. Sharpened chain on my 034.
5. Did some bucking
Dropped my dads and grandpas saws back off at their houses and my dad handed me a blower to get running for him.
6. Pulled the blower carb apart. Diaphragms are dry so will be rebuilding it.

Decided, that's enough for my day off and went inside to warm up.
Loader/log trucks are great but it is real hard to find a dump around here that will take that much debris at one time especially big wood.
See that is not a problem here, I have a bunch of places I could dump as many loads as I could haul in a day no questions. Brush logs or chips

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