We had a rather unpleasant experience two days ago. Subbed a 33 ton for the day and lined up two jobs. The first went flawlessly and got to the second where it was a 38” metal-ridden, nasty black walnut. The ho set up with his neighbor so we could plywood the crane on his neighbor’s front yard. I had previously given a quote for his neighbor for a rotten 24” sycamore and he said “too much”. I think i said $650 with the crane at the same time.
We set up and the neighbor asks if he can bring some brush and small pieces of wood for us to chip and I say “ok but no roots or dirt”. Start taking big picks because we had a real nice, big landing area and I’m about 3 pick into this walnut when the same douchbag neighbor comes up while I’m in the tree and tells me I’m gonna remove that walnut and a bunch of brush in his back yard for $300. I’m like “no”. He throws a fit and starts swearing telling me “you got that crane already set up it will take you no time, I can throw you off my property if I want”. I think carefully about the consequences of coming down and punching him in his weaselly face. I tell him I’ll do the tree for $400 and no brush because I don’t have time for that garbage.
We finish the job and leave the place immaculate. Here’s a pic of the second to last pick of that garbage sycamore. so much for diplomacy.