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"Dear Jesus, please help daddy to get Mr. Scuffles out of the tree. Amen" - My 4 year old, Ruby.

This kitty was at the top of a Locust tree for the last 3 days. First I tried climbing but the cat was at the extreme top. I was about 10' below it until I chickened out and grabbed the bucket! I extended the boom fully and barely reached him...Also had some help from my little crew! Meeeoooowww

I have pulled out a number of cats out of trees...with gloves on of course. I once rescued a large macaw parrot from the top of a big oak inside the canopy as he was afraid to fly out as his wing span was so wide. He started to come to me and kept going away. Then the owner said he loved cocktail cherries so I said send me up a few and a pillow case. Bingo. She gave me a $100. bill and a big kiss. That was good money back in the 70's.
I have pulled out a number of cats out of trees...with gloves on of course. I once rescued a large macaw parrot from the top of a big oak inside the canopy as he was afraid to fly out as his wing span was so wide. He started to come to me and kept going away. Then the owner said he loved cocktail cherries so I said send me up a few and a pillow case. Bingo. She gave me a $100. bill and a big kiss. That was good money back in the 70's.
$100? So you charged her? :laugh:
I once rescued a pterodactyl from an ancient sequoia tree that was afraid to leave the tree because of all the lava from a volcano that engulfed the land around him. His wingspan was 3'feet so he had no room to spread his wings, I had to remove some large limbs for him to fly out of there. After the limbs fell, the flames grew higher and that was the boost he needed to get out of there. Luckily, I had time to untie and throw my lanyard around his feet and my friction saver around his neck. Soon he landed on a bald cypress on a far away land about 80 feet up. Being my lifeline was only 75 feet, I un-hooked my lanyard and repelled down on my taut-line with no stopper and dropped the last 5 feet. Soon after my friends Fred and Barney picked me up and took me home to Bedrock,,,ah, the good ole days!
Jeff It was a beautiful day!
I once rescued a pterodactyl from an ancient sequoia tree that was afraid to leave the tree because of all the lava from a volcano that engulfed the land around him. His wingspan was 3'feet so he had no room to spread his wings, I had to remove some large limbs for him to fly out of there. After the limbs fell, the flames grew higher and that was the boost he needed to get out of there. Luckily, I had time to untie and throw my lanyard around his feet and my friction saver around his neck. Soon he landed on a bald cypress on a far away land about 80 feet up. Being my lifeline was only 75 feet, I un-hooked my lanyard and repelled down on my taut-line with no stopper and dropped the last 5 feet. Soon after my friends Fred and Barney picked me up and took me home to Bedrock,,,ah, the good ole days!
Jeff It was a beautiful day!
That is what I meant above. I guess this all happened in the 3 or 4 years you actually did tree work before becoming a gay ride around armchair arborist. You actually took time out of your life to write that immature retard schit? Hardly worth posting anything on here anymore. That Zin kid sounds like a Rhodes Scholar compared to you 2. Bunch of embarrassing ******* all led by "Daddy" retard.
You old braggart, I climbed 26 years and moved to management, much smarter than chasing around mom and pop for a check. I got my certs up to date and and don't need to brag like you, always trying to prove you ain't an old man,,
Go to bed, you are up too late,,
You old braggart, I climbed 26 years and moved to management, much smarter than chasing around mom and pop for a check. I got my certs up to date and and don't need to brag like you, always trying to prove you ain't an old man,,
Go to bed, you are up too late,,
You are likely working for somebody half your age and twice as smart. I haven't taken a paycheck from anybody except a couple of tree co.s since right after getting paid from Uncle Sam. I don't need but 5 hours to be the best treeman that ever posted on this or any other forum. Shovel some Doritos into your fat Toyota riding gut and go to sleep yourself Jeffy.
This is MY thread. Why don't you all start your own "what did my dumb ass pretend to do today" or something like that and I will not join you all. This thread stays here....you will deal with me. Or maybe start acting like mature tree people and post some pictures and videos and discuss them like mature human beings.
Nah, I will stay here and watch your decline into senility, it is already starting to show, so I will humor you with your false feelings of 'Your Thread' and hopefully make you comfortable as you spout your self worth and bravado,, you deserve at least that, :cheers:
Nah, I will stay here and watch your decline into senility, it is already starting to show, so I will humor you with your false feelings of 'Your Thread' and hopefully make you comfortable as you spout your self worth and bravado,, you deserve at least that, :cheers:
But see Jeffy you are NOT a treeman therefore maybe you don't belong on this thread like Zin who wants to be a treeman but is not one yet. In the same vein you WERE a treeman, still wish you were one so you want to hang out with treemen like me et al., but, alas, you are no longer a treeman. :havingarest: You can stick around though...just because you are overall a good guy.

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